Your a Democrat....That put's you in the Extremely Stupid Catagory.... lol

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Define 'basic tasks'. No one ever offered me money for that before. Is a video camera required?

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The oligarchs are now afraid of the monster they created. You can rest assured that they'll arrange for Jeb? to be the nominee. Whether they can call back the hounds they released into Congress is another matter entirely.

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It's not too late for them to try and resurrect the Romneybot to come save the party. Not that it'll do any good. The base is so far to the right that many just stay home if the candidate isn't batshit crazy.

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That's Hillary's hope. The 0.01% are concerned about money, money, and money, in that order, and while Jeb? is their first choice, they'd prefer Hillary to any of the GOP's teabaggaloons. As a wholly-owned subsidiary of Wall Street, she's actually their second choice.

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ooo,ooo, i'm right there with ya. i'm a loading my votegun up for the november hunting season. shhh! be vewey qwiet. i'm hunting wingnuts!

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that is sad, and funny at the same time.

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yea, that is what the poor kid got that i called. i had to apologize, cause i felt bad.

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if you are laid off, and expected to be recalled, your employer can issue a waiver to allow you to be exempt from job search. the rv industry does it all of the time.

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they are not even "pro fetus". they are pro control over others. simple as that.

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I don't get it either. I know a guy who is lower middle class, union pensioner, who thinks the biggest problem in America is that the rich are paying too much in taxes. I asked him once if he knew who owns Fox News. Naturally he did not. I asked him if he thought it was a bit weird that he gets his information from a foreign born billionaire (Rupert Murdoch), and a thrice divorced, boorish, multi-millionaire (Rush Limbaugh), who both think the solution to wiping out the national debt is to lower their taxes again. It drives me nuts that these people never think about where they're getting their information from.

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One of my relatives is collecting multiple government checks but wants his taxes lowered. I asked him how he thought the rest of us would be able to continue to pay his salary, pension, and benefits if we lowered taxes. He had no clue, and he's a pretty smart guy. It's like Republicans don't have the ability to see the consequences of their dumb ideas. It's like with abortion, they have no plan what to do with all that beautiful life once it's actually a child. They can't think anything through to completion. I've gotten to the point where I just say "hey, I'd LOVE to stop sending you my money, how can we make sure we cut off your socialism?" or "yeah, great idea to get rid of legal abortion, I can't wait for my taxes to go up to pay for all those kids. I guess we should probably build more public housing now to accommodate all those wonderful kids." Republicans really have no ability just to think the simplest things through to their logical conclusion, but these are the same idiots who think cutting taxes will lead to increased tax revenue.

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As long as that authoritarian mob keeps dismantling the government and selling off pieces of it to the oligarchs the oligarchs will keep them flush in money.

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Imma gonna get the neighbors a cat first thing Monday!

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What fresh babble is this? Did Ben Carson operate on you?

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Nice thing about CA is that we have optional mail-in voting so one visit to the Registrar's office sets you up to vote by mail for years. And we have an independent redistricting commission that seems to work. So Gerry and the Maunders can't get a gig here.

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