Tell me when the indictments come down.

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The blood is in the water, the hogs are in the tunnel. Selah


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John Connolly, the amazing Irish writer, detailed these crimes of trump's in Spy magazine in........1991, and now, 30 years later, somebody is possibly thinking about maybe doing something about it. Too little, too late. I have lost all hope.

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One thing I dont understand about Trumps ability to value his property for tax purposes. The county assessor tells ME the value of my property for purpose of taxation. Are there different rules for rich people? I think I know the answer...

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Personally I'm hoping that the lull is due to a shift in focus from the urgency of getting out in front of the Trump administration to being more thorough and making sure nobody's 'assuming the FBI was investigating that aspect', since the GOP and the attention span of the electorate are unlikely to give them another shot.

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I'll believe it when I see it! No one above the level of peon will see a day of jail. I have no faith, something like a civil fine will be worked out behind the scenes, and the rubes will be grifted to pay for it.

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IANAL, but, just from what I know, a lot of these seem like open and shut cases.

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They probably won't. Wouldn't wanna seem 'partisan' by arresting rich Republicans for the treason they continuously commit.

I still worry Rittenhouse will walk.

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There are. The law, in all its equal protection majesty, allows both rich and non-rich property owners to appeal their tax assessments. But only the rich can amass the armies of lawyers and private property assessors to successfully challenge the public tax assessor. For everyone else, the savings realized from a lower tax assessment would be dwarfed by the cost of employing all those people to fight for you.

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Or just be pardoned by the next GOP governor/president (depending on which court heard his crimes).

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Wanking motions? I save those for myself- fuck those guys!

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See, also, too: Acosta and the Epstein deal.

The thing is all of our institutions are failing / have failed. Courts, Congress, Media, Law Enforcement. We're a failed state.

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You can request a re-valuation... f'r'instance, if area sales have been low, you can ask the county to lower your rates. Businesses can do this based on income, as well.

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