I'm guessing that by provincial the author at best means "backwoods," and at worst means "unsophisticated and narrow-minded."

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Well, you could say he threw his career on the Schlag Heap.

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😊... thank you.

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Applause for whoever found his posts.

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Not even going to post my silly comment. Well done.

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pass that sh!&.

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As the child of a cop--way back, long deceased--I know that even in the 70s some departments were requiring college degrees for their recruits. My dad, not a college grad, was required to take college courses to maintain his rank and to take more courses to move up. I am appalled at what police departments are now recruiting.

A college degree doesn't guarantee a humanistic perspective but it does help in maintaining a force that has a broader outlook than that shithead in Rochester seems to possess. It also requires a larger budget, something cities and towns seem to avoid like the plague.

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a pair o'dice? oh, you mean craps. as in it will be crappy. i'll agree with that.

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The abominable lawman strikes again... yes he does.

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When these useless pieces of shit get caught up with they always get paid vacations. It must be fucking super to have a job that rewards you for being a piece o suite.

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How I forgot to mention politicians as useless sacks of shit getting paid to do nothing is beyond me. Oh, right, the blog was specifically about shitty cops.

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Provincial. Could be a new word to replace dung heap.

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Think how I feel. I not only live in Florida, I live in Jacksonville. The rectum of georgia.

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They do so have strenuous rigorous test for law enforcement. "Are you willing to beat up black people: YES/NO"

Ok Wonketteers, let's see you can guess what the proper response is (and no fair peeking at the answer key to answer key.)

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whipped cream?

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And then there's those guys with "Schmaltz" for a last name.

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