Once again, there is way, way too much abortion-related news for me to write all of it up in individual posts. So you're getting another round-up! Isn't that fun? OK, fine, maybe not fun so much as incredibly horrifying and depressing, but I did manage to find some GOOD news to mix in with the bad, because we all need some good to keep our spirits up as we prepare to fight.
I'd say "enjoy" but... well, you know.
And that's it! For now, anyway.
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If this debate were taking place between rational, adult humans that really should be the end of it right there. But it isn't. There are God-bothering, Fox watching pod people on one side of it.
For everyone crying about the boycotts hurting folks who don't have anything to do with this: collateral damage has always been a regrettable part of war. And make no mistake, this is war. Today they come for abortion, god knows what they'll come for tomorrow because only they know what madness their fevered brains whip up in the middle of the night. I'm truly sorry you are essentially in a warzone and need to fear friendly fire from well-meaning allies. But just like donating more money to the Red Cross doesn't stop vicious warlords or civil war, donating to a worthy cause won't stop conservatives from coming for your rights. Taking your money away from them DOES because there isn't enough of them to keep their coffers full. You have to hit them where it hurts and cutting off funding / supplies is an effective way to route the enemy.
It's not fair. It's *NEVER* been fair. We're not doing it to be cruel - we're doing this to make it stop because money is what makes the world go round. It's the only thing that really matters to them.