And pearls--get the pearls on the side table!

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Nope, too good for them. I want to see 24/7 live coverage of their trial, conviction and subsequent incarceration. I want Melania stripped of her citizenship and deported back to Slovenia with her family as spies.Trump wants to be on TV so much, let's have a real bloody reality show then - "Trump Family Traitors: Life on the Inside" is my working title.

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Purrrrrfect title. I vote for that. He certainly deserves to be incarcerated for what he is doing to this country.

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That barely lasted two news cycles.

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No big deal at all...

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I understand they wish to be examined by the committee in closed session, but are agreeable to leaking their own testimony.

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He was probably involved as well.

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Well, he did have that burly constituent demanding the release of the transcript.

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He was making an excuse by saying that the committee stenographer might take a long time to write up the transcript. I'm sure that individual didn't appreciate the comment.

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Yes, I'd hate for him to turn out to be a common Whedon...

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What do you do when you're jonesing on Jen Rubin? Asking for a friend.

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So you're Southern Baptist then?

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Back when I used to live there, they had one of two bumper stickers on their cars or trucks. One read: "Will the last American leaving Miami please bring the flag." And the other one was: "Will the last American leaving Miami, turn off the lights." But I haven't been back in a long time, so perhaps that is why I never heard the use of "Cubes".

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HA!No lie, I was raised Southern Baptist.

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I know Snake Plissken when I see him. I'm betting he escapes.

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Maybe it can be a big "Hunger Games" style tournament. Last one standing gets permanent exile.

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