And he keeps it in a old cigar box under his bed for emergencies.

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Apparently he is not used to American forthrightness. Or naked racism.

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That's why American Christians only read the Old Testament. Or parts thereof.

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yep, here's the washington post about a year ago "In a new poll released by the Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) on Tuesday, a whopping 43 percent of Americans told researchers that discrimination against whites has become as large a problem as discrimination against blacks and other minority groups." there's your 43% that's voting for trump

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Can I be John Richardson? https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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This has been today's lesson in "How to speak Racist." Try to learn something, darkies! Don't be haters and maybe you can reach my level of success!

Whoa! This whistle is defective! A n*** must have made it!

No, wait! I meant to say mudpeople never have done anything ever.

NO! I mean this fuckin' whistle sucks worse than homofags in heat! DAMMIT! Guinea wops! Micks! SHIT! FUCK!! I CAN'T STOP THIS THING!!!

. . .

Ahem. I was just trying to discuss a lack of economic mobility for African Americans, I did not intend to offend all of you 47% taker jigga--- SON OF A HONKY CRACKER CUNTBOX! TRUMP RUINED WHITESPLAINING! ITS NOT MY FAULT!! IT NEVER IS!!

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You know, maybe the History Channel should take a page from the SciFi/SyFy channel and change their name. Calling themselves the Hiztree Channel would be more accurate.

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No no - it's not your fault! You've just been brainwashed by those sneaky libruls to fear leaving the Democrat plantation.

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How can you call Houston a swamp? It's only *sigh* 91 degrees right now. Oh and the humidity is down to 65%!

Kill me now, please.

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Some of them are elected. By voters.

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Hasn't anybody told Pittenger that racism is over?

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The welfare=slavery argument would hold more sway with me if there was a proposed alternative that didn't involve returning to a system that gave us starving children. Like why do you idiots think welfare got started in the first place? You're just as dumb as the anti-vaxxers.

The perverse idea is that when you give someone handouts you take away their desire to work because handouts are easier. And that removes their dignity and all desire to be a good and upstanding citizen so they turn to drugs and crime. Thing is, everyone who has actually talked to people who use welfare find a varied, different and far more complicated picture. Nobody wants to understand how complicated it is. So bootstraps, everyone, it's just simpler.

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i thought all of us godless libruls are the ones "left behind"

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Senator John Blutarsky?

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so now we're living in the Cretinous Era?

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I really can't tell anymore. I used to think they were cynically clever enough to simply use this stuff to dupe the yokels...now I'm beginning to think they really are just that box-of-rocks stupid.

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