I think you mean Ging the Gormless.

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Or let us backwards-evolve into fish people. Republicans are all about backwards-evolution.

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I've been saying that for decades. Decided not to have kids at 13. Still live very lightly on earth, for the benefit of others.

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Many of the solutions are, indeed, profitable. They just don't profit the oil. gas, or chemical companies, thus they're ridiculed.

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I hope it's as totally symptom-free for you as it was for me.

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Millions of tons of seawater meet billions of tons of volcanic magma - what could possibly go wrong, said no resident of Krakatoa, ever.

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Solar panels have a small ROI, after all the tax gimmicks are taken into account, and the manufacturing is in China (of course), but I suppose the installers get paid for the work.Wind turbines are so profitable that Duke Energy could even outbid the oil industry for the votes souls of Texas and Oklahoma regulators. They have thousands of megawatts installed, and hundreds more coming on line every year. (Sen. Inhofe's doublethink brain circuits must be in overdrive.)

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It cost a gazilllion lira, but the problem (at the time) was Venice sinking below current high tides - it was not designed with sea level rise in mind.

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Right across the Hudson is as far as they need to go - nice cliffs they got there.https://enviropolitics.file...

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I read an article recently saying, yah the issue isn't "save the planet" The planet will be fine. Humanity, not so much.

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I've wondered the same about the St. Lawrence/Great Lakes....

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Very very funny. very funny. funny.

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I'm part of the liberal scientist conspiracy. *glances sideways* Shhh...it's a sekrit. Anyhoo, what we're doing to ensure all that ice melts so our lie becomes FACT is to get all the other libruls who have despaired from the policies of the right and are full blown alcoholics. We're all going to summer down there and drink tons of alcoholic beverages which will be cooled with, you guessed it, glaciar ice. We're going to try a tie in and get the Himalayan salt hippies and the Ice straight from a glacier hipsters to help subsidize our efforts. Soros has already let us know he has to steal more conservative monies before he can help out, he wasted his stash paying everyone to buy Beyonce's music to help assault the police. I'll be posting my gofundme for this shortly ....

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Meh. What's the big deal? They already chased the undesirables out of Nawlens, all that's left are gentrifying cwkskrs that need a little dip in the ocean.

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Kelp, I was thinking.

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And ask for government emergency funds.

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