Well, that will interfere with electrical generation.

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Plus my tinfoil hat blocks all the EM waves.

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He’d never admit that he peed in the bath.

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I feel that really needs a little pile of golden road apples at the base to complete it. But maybe that would be overkill.

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I think that would be wise. I'm not talking about hard core racists, but then hard core racists would never abandon him. But there are, I assume, millions around the country who voted for him either (a) thinking it was just a protest vote because the media told them Hillary would definitely win, hey thanks media assholes! (b) assuming his asshole act was just his act for the campaign and he would govern differently, maybe even triangulate between Republicans and Democrats, which he was in a position to do but obviously did not or (c) had some sort of denial going on which they are now aware of. I can believe that such voters are ready to not vote, or even vote Democratic this time around, and yes I would absolutely welcome anyone who is ready to atone. We have to win this damn thing and I'm not ready to sacrifice another four years to this monster out of my own frustration with the people who helped make the first four years happen.

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Unless they believed (as did the media and a frustrating number of people) that Hillary was going to wipe the floor with Trump, and so a vote for Trump might make the race closer as a warning shot to her. Obviously it didn't play out like that, but then a lot of things happened in 2016 based on this idea that Hillary was going to destroy Trump, and it worked in Trump's favor.

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In my friends/family there are a couple (a much larger number of Republicans who simply didn't vote or even voted for Hillary that year). But then Trump won by a razor thin margin, so even a 1% drop for him could be fatal.

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The media needs to learn a lesson. Given that they are very dense, hard to teach and slow to learn I doubt they will ever get it. Just because some former sycophant is no longer a supporter that doesn't mean we want to hear from him or about him. Anyone who gives this idiot the time of day is more of an idiot. Does the media actually think they are performing some service by subjecting us to the "wisdom" of a former cult member? Someone who is only contrary because they were ejected from the inner circle? Someone who would be be gobbling and swallowing if they only had the opportunity and access? The media is a joke, a really bad joke, the kind you can't laugh at because it's so true and so dangerous. There is no shortage of thinking impaired people in this country and they are the ones who make the media think they are actually doing their job. Wrong....again.

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???? what does that have to do with anything????

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I hate how this timeline has made me buy into cynical conspiracy theories. But if you don't find it suspicious that they're going BACK to the island to clean up more, well, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn you might enjoy purchasing.

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He only realized when the entire summer went by and he didn't get one invite to a garden party in the Hamptons

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Mittens ad min will be much more subdued while it screws the country

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So what's William Weld, chopped liver?

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He's always struck me as the sort of guy who is fervently religious because he needs a very clear set of rules to operate under. Actually having to figure out what's right and wrong on his own is too much.

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Oh, good point! She's absolutely awful so she'd be perfect.

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