It's amazing that this article completely missed a VERY important point of this argument that the jewish dude wearing the kippa who was arguing with Weiner made a particularly nasty remake with racist overtones by claiming that Weiner 'marrying an Arab' was something disgusting. I guess that any news article featuring Jews indulging in despicable behaviour will always show them in the best light and censor all the bits that make them look bad , right? Remind me again who owns most of the media in the US again .....

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Aside from the smiling part, you're probably quite right. She probably agreed to stick around while the campaign was underway . . . which may explain why he's still running at all.

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JNY - Makes me wanna challah, throw up both my hands!

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Is there gluten-free challah?

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"the guy waited til I took a bite of honey cake to take a run at me."

Is that what he's calling his friend in Indiana?

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<i>said it began when the man called Weiner a “scumbag” as he exited a bakery.</i>

The correct NYC way of handling this situation is to grab your crotch and yell "I got your scumbag right here, dipshit". But that would probably have caused a slew of new problems for Weiner since grabbing his crotch is what got him into this mess in the first place.

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