THIS is EXACTLY HOW A LEGITIMATE JOURNALIST ... reports on a shifty mediawhore fuckstick like Breitbart. (ha, tricked ya)

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You know, the men (and it's always men) that are leaders in businesses and governments, and high-level military: Navy pilots, heart surgeons, news anchors, whatever . . . turn out to be obnoxious, sexist horn-dogs who think they are invincible. This is something that both Dems & GOPs are familiar with. As well as the IMF, Hollywood, and any place someone with authority can use it to their advantage over anyone else. And women are finally hitting this mark, God bless us everyone. If we think our world should be shaped or governed by marble statues we'd better figure out that everyone has 'feet's of clay'.

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you just made me really sad.

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nah. he doesn't need to resign. it's a minor league sex scandal without the actual sex. also, he's not a 'family values guy'. he can fall.

however, if the 'under age' allegations are true, well, that's another story.

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oh well said.

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If he loses his job in Congress, he could probably still make a decent living with a webcam and a PayPal account.

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good god, seriously, this is just a stupid sex scandal (sorry huma, for you it's a LOT worse and i do appreciate this and i hope it all works out) and it's FUCKING JUNE and THERE. WAS. NO. SEX.*

and this is not the second coming and no one's slouching anywhere and vitter's still in office and just let it be people.

also New York: can you just keep it in your pants? that would be nice, thanks.


* and if there WAS sex, flay the bastard.

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The only real prick here is Andrew Breitbart.

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<i>NEW YORK -- On Monday afternoon, in the Sheraton Hotel's New York West ballroom, it felt, at times, like there were two press conferences happening at once. One featured the spectacle of a teary-eyed and emotionally wrenched Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) apologizing for his online indiscretions. The other showcased a combative Andrew Breitbart doing his best to hijack the moment.

The conservative media provocateur spoke before, after and during Rep. Weiner's admission of sending sexually charged emails to six different women.

It was supposed to be Weiner's press conference -- so why was Breitbart on the stage? He had decided to attend, he told the scores of assembled press corps members, partly because his hotel was "coincidentally" located three blocks away.

But, Breitbart also noted, "I'm here to watch myself be vindicated." He attempted to turn Weiner's press conference into a battle in his ongoing war against the so-called mainstream media, criticizing outlets that included Salon and The Daily Kos. </i>

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Attention future politicans. Just so's you know, if ever anyone asks you if that's a picture of your dick, any answer but "no" means "YES".

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9/10ths of the technology we have today wouldn't even be around if you couldn't do something pornographic with it.

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Weep not Tony...it could be <a href="http:\/\/www.smbc-comics.com\/comics\/20110606.gif" target="_blank">worse</a>.

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Thank the heavens that Dick Armey, Dick Trickle, or Dick Butkus never had a dingus-based twitter scandal.

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Weiner should get a do over. This was really pathetic, and it ain't over!

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Jesus Christ!

How many more levels of penis are going to be added to this story??

Anthony Weiner (1) admits the picture is of his weiner (2), and also cries like a little weiner (3), while vindicating that dicksack Andrew Breitbart (4).

<blockquote>Tell the players, make it understood It ain't no good if there's too much wood Make sure you know before you go The dance floor bro-hoe ratio Five to one is a brodeo Tell Steve and Mike it's time to go Wait outside all night to find Twenty dudes in a conga line

Too many dicks on the dance floor Easy to fix Too many dicks on the dance floor Spread out the dicks</blockquote>

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He could have gone full Patriot: Tearing around the yard on an ATV, holding a flag in one hand and, erm, firing into the air.

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