I can see why you'd go to such underhanded sneaky scumbaggery as this in order to do something "good," because that's just how heroes do stuff.

Who doesn't agree that "Babies Having Babies" is a really wonderful idea, and would want to ensure that every single pregnancy is forced to be carried to term? Nobody, that's who.

If you can't beat them, make deceptive DVDs to trick shady ambulance chasers into doing your bidding, I always say.

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Which would make Bristol Palin another example of American Exceptionalism.

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I thought the wingnutters already had a plan:

1. Make Abortion funny.

2. ?

3. Abortion banned!

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See? The GOP plan works after all.

1. Outlaw abortion. 2. Frack the hell out of everything. 3. Infant dies of dehydration.

See? same result, and you didn't have to pay for the abortion. Everybody wins!

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Also: remember when "fracking" was just a non-offensive, alternate pejorative?

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Mark Crutcher sure gives people a lot reasons to hate him especially the sending of DVDs in the mail. Grrrrrrr.

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Thanks for posting that Doc. This guy really really really sucks.

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just because they couldn't get laid in high school they assume no one else could

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a stick of dynamite and a plunger*

*and votes, of course

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"If there’s an ethically clean part of that chain, we don’t see it."

pretty bad when the personal injury attorneys end up being the good guys in the story

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They had Video CDs back then. Contrary to popular belief, not all VCDs are Chinese pirate copies. In my experience, only 99% are.

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So, lawyers should try to find minors sealed medical records to sue abortion providers because all the teen non-moms were victims of pedophiles? Typing that made my eyes bleed. Me thinks it more likely that these doe-eyed females were victims of adolescent Texans and never had a proper sex ed class. Unplanned pregnancies happen when you believe things like "you can't get pregnant if it's a full moon." Of course, I don't know, I came of age in a blue state during the Clinton administration and had the full low-down on condoms, hormonal birth control, dental dams (yep, only place I've ever actually seen one was in my public school) starting in 5th grade.

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