I thought that was "maritaltime"(eww--adult poop nasty)

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if she had only stayed the "head cheerleader."

Okay, I was leaving.

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an education she never forgot.

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Well, none that came up in calendar entries or a quick Google search.

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lol! She was a handful---and did it with a greaser, too. If it had been a boyfriend from her social class, maybe there would have been a shotgun wedding that year.

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The problem is that may only reflect total abortion bans like the one in Alabama, and if people not understanding the issue maybe another reason why this is happening.

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this picture accompanied one of my most favorite wonkette lines ever:

sartorial choices of the damned

i think it was julie?

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I'll repeat what I said elsewhere, which got a very angry response, and that is: I've seen black feminists on Twitter say this is a horrible meme, because the Gadsden flag is used by white supremacists, so you just can't just repurpose it. It's like those parody MAGA hats, that scare black/Muslim/queer folks just as much from a distance where you can't read the clever joke.

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I'm not sure I know what you mean, but I do know that all these things HAVE ALREADY happened.


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A lot more people support laws that ban abortions under some but not all circumstances. Its why the religious right is able to use things such as late term or "partial birth abortion" to attack women's right to choose in general, but without openly attacking women's right to choose in its entirety.

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I feel like if Wonkette profiled all the horrible judicial nominees who have been railroaded through the shitshow in the Senate, we’d have no time to pull our hair out over all the OTHER fuckery going on.

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Before abortion as legalised in the UK, a school friend of my mother's suddenly got sick and died aged 15. She had a botched back street abortion - not rich enough to go take in some shows. That is the issue. It won't stop abortions. It will just go back to the 'good old days'. The rich as in everything else will not even be mildly inconvenienced.

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When you're an amoral piece of shit, your politcal options are pretty limited: Nazi or GOP.

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He'll fly them out of state . . . in exchange for non-dicslosure agreement. (You can get the blank forms at trumpworld.com)

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But does she like beer?

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