Since harassing women outside abortion clinics and sometimes bombing them and murdering doctors hasn't worked, anti-choicers have a new strategy: strike!
Religious scholars have argued this for centuries, "... is he chicken? ... is he veal?". The debate is fruitless. The important thing is that Jesus is white meat.
You know what the great, genius thing about this is? Since it's a stay-at-home, self-reporting kind of a deal, the wingnuts will be able to claim that MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of people took part in their protests! Beautiful! I look forward to the breathless coverage on Faux on January 24.* *I do not look forward to this.
Not a lot of homeschooling is going to happen that day.
Could we suggest that they stay home for like, the rest of winter?
How much space do we need for the Million Zygote March?
I predict wild success -- just like those trucker and impeach Bamz protest thingies in DC awhile back.
<i>&quot;... end this national pre-born baby killing...&quot;</i>
Just for once, I&#039;d like these people to express the slightest interest in the welfare of the post-born. Just once.
The mall? They wish! This is the Walmart -- &quot;shooting clean up in aisle 4&quot; -- crowd.
If it&#039;s &quot;MIllion&quot; as defined by FOX News? A small dinner plate should do fine.
I mocked a man in Memphis just to watch him cry.
Religious scholars have argued this for centuries, &quot;... is he chicken? ... is he veal?&quot;. The debate is fruitless. The important thing is that Jesus is white meat.
They overlap with people who want to cut the post-born&#039;s taxes. Does that count?
&quot;Please excuse my son/daughter from school. We are using them as a prop to shame other women.&quot;
You know what the great, genius thing about this is? Since it&#039;s a stay-at-home, self-reporting kind of a deal, the wingnuts will be able to claim that MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of people took part in their protests! Beautiful! I look forward to the breathless coverage on Faux on January 24.* *I do not look forward to this.