I'd hit it.

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Could be, but the point was that the sin isn't the jerking off, it's the not impregnating. Jerking off is cool when there's nothing at stake other than letting off some steam. But when there's more on the line, time to put that boy to some good use.

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As if Ba'al, Dagon, Marduk and any of the other nearby gods were any less mean and vengeful than YHWH. You see, singling out the Abrahamic faiths really smacks of anti-Semitism to me (because the Yids started it, of course), and lets Buddhists, Hindus, and yes, atheists off the hook. Religion (or lack of it) doesn't make people bloodthirsty shits. It's only an excuse.

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If all life is sacred, then why haven't these hypocrites gone vegetarian?https://media0.giphy.com/me...

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It hasn't changed minds in other countries, sadly.

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Yeah. Griswold v. Connecticut. They're upset with that? I don't expect much scientific understanding flowing out of k-12, but the basics are there and not especially difficult. These folks seem determined to regard any form of birth control as an "abortifacient" (a word they love to toss around, and which they seem not to understand in the least). It is an ignorance that must be taught and fostered, as it would not survive outside these peculiar hothouses.

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Hallowed be Buttsechs, Orgasm without end and without any little Beginnings.

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Did it matter? Does it now?

Stephan would answer if he only knew how...

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Yep- the anthro term is "levirate marriage", in which one is morally bound to take a brother's wife as one's own should the brother die. The Hebrews in Canaan had this interdict for pretty clear reasons- they were surrounded by enemies and couldn't allow people to "opt out" of fully consummating marriages, with all that that entails- so when Onan deposited his seed in the dust the Old-Testament God responded with all the mercy and forbearance one would expect of Him; that is, with a lightning bolt through an open window... Only later would Christians twist this into a prohibition against 14-year-old boys beating the bishop.

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Weirdly these types maintain an ongoing ignorance about fertility clinics..............

I wonder why............

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Easy for Janet to say, Rocky's a sport so no danger there.

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So I'm guessing the buttsechs is definitely out with these people too?

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Well, there's always . . .


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So, when Onan pulled out and "spilled his seed", did he spill it on her stomach, or on her ass (my personal favorite).

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Fnutt: Until tonight, darling.Seagoon: Wait! Tell me, what is that belt you're wearing?

Fnutt: That's the Anti-Sex League belt.Seagoon: Ahem! I don't think I'll come.

- The Goons, 1985

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