IMplicit sex is always dangerouser than EXplicit sex.

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We're on a slippery slope here, people. Next thing you know, you won't be able to force a man to testify against a dog in federal court.

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The Grateful Dead?

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Yes, but fabulously!

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Nothing says "degenerate sodomites trespassing against all the laws of God and man" like "joint bankruptcy filing." 'Tis the end of Western civilization!

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Indded. Like the difference between \"presumption of innocence\" and \"happened to be in an area where all young men are automatically considered jehadis.\"

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That's so cool! Congratulations and much happiness to both of you.

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Congratulations and very best wishes.

I was at the Mall of America once (like, twenty-ish years ago). Only mall I've ever seen that has multiple copies of the same store in different parts of the mall. Well, unless you count Singapore as just being one big mall.

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Geez. What is it with the gehys and their wanting everything to be the same?

Same sex, same humanity, same rights, same feelings, same joys, same fears, same dreams... etc.

It's like they feel they are the same as the rest of us...

Oh. NOW I get it.

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The Eric Holder who says, "Listen, we drone-bomb people after some sort of due process that's too triple-ultra-secret to explain to you proles, just trust us" isn't too lovable either. But gay-rights and voting-rights Holder are indeed adorable.

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Rustling leaves mean no!

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<i>“The American public needs to realize how egregious and how dangerous these usurpations are and how far-reaching the implications can be</i>

I've heard this vague threatening language for years but I still haven't seen any believable concrete examples of what these implications might be.

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