A Cuban in the CCC means ...Affirmative Action actually works?

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I'm pretty sure that it's always too late to "keep your heritage pure."

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Spain itself is full of mutts, thanks to a long history being pretty fucking close to North Aftrica, so this clown is probably in for a rude surprise if he ever actually checks his family tree.

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A history of hating on non-white people is pretty much the only "heritage" they share. Short answer, then, is "YES, you asshole, it's racist. There's nothing else it could possibly be."

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Actually, it is true that here are no stupid questions.

Now, there are rhetorical* questions that are racist, or sexist, or ethnic-based, or religion-based; but they are not "stupid". They are purposeful.

*Appeal to Dok Zoom here.

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Cindy would be a good illustration for the Urban Dic entry.

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It's okay that you didn't spell it boooobs.

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Cz crystal libel.

Edit: Who the fuck invented float-zone?

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I once had a brief exchange of emails with Maggie Gallagher, which turned out to be like talking to a billboard.

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This is because "Asians in general" are pretty fucking smart.

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Strangely, no one has picked up on your Koko-puffs reference.

Aruba, Jamaica, oooh...

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It has always been that way in parts of Florida. Remember Elian Gonzalez!

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Racists hate this one weird trick.

You know, the one where people hear their unfiltered thoughts...

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So Ted Cruz, where is your long form birf certificate you Canook Mexican? That shit just can't happen. And you're a commie because your nation celebrates poutine. Here in America its freedom fries with gravy bitch.

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It's not so much that the questions themselves are stupid, but that the people asking them are...

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