When are you going to wake up? This isn’t new behavior from the right wing white supremacist fascists. What they can’t accomplish legally by passing unjust laws they will force upon us by any nefarious means at their disposal. Listening to Grievance Peddler Lynch stir up chauvinist violence reminded me of the 1898 Wilmington Massacre. It’s a long quote but I defy you to read it (and the entire Wikipedia entry I sourced it from) without a gasp of recognition:

“Democrats [who today would be called “Republicans”] developed a plan to reverse "home rule", meaning local officials would no longer be elected but rather appointed by the state. They began circumventing legislation by taking over the state's judiciary, and adopted 30 amendments to the state constitution, which effected widespread policy changes, including lowering the number of judges on the North Carolina Supreme Court, putting the lower courts and local governments under the control of the state legislature, rescinding the votes of certain types of criminals, mandating segregated public schools, outlawing interracial relationships, and granting the General Assembly the power to modify or nullify any local government.[19] By adopting these elements, the Democrats became identified as would-be bastions for white Americans.[19] However, their control was largely limited to the western part of the state, within counties where, demographically, there were relatively few black Americans.[19]”

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“Back the hell off coronavirus! I have a gun and I know how to shoot at viruses with it!”

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and the amateur photoshopping

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The most gentle driving over potholes is done by pick up truck drivers and SUV drivers. We sneer at that. If your vehicle is that delicate you shouldn't have moved to Scranton!

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I'm pretty sure Lynch hasn't got a chance to become governor. He's too far out there. He has delusions of grandeur.

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They spelled freedumb wrong.

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One major fallacy in this line of alleged reasoning is the knee-jerk assumption that the left is not armed. Well, assholes, fvck around and find out.

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these screamers strike me as the kind who hated school and now want to get some of their own back at the mean teachers who wouldn't let them throw stuff, put their feet on the desks and expected the work be completed to a basic standard

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So it's not just us. I read somewhere that the world barely had a flu season last winter too.

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I've only gotten a few requests like that but I do get a laugh out of the few that claim to think I am cute. Since when? I did get a lot of requests from former students of mine, who apparently were nostalgic about high school. People I accept are ones that are friends of friends of mine.

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Well, all the people who looked at everything we've dumped into Afghanistan over the last 20 years as an "investment" are getting loads of the "stabbed in the back" messaging from the expected sources...

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I hadn't thought of that. Our superintendent would probably be down with that, but our school board is run by loonies.

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Why do they take so long to do so, though? And why are they so vocal about it? Save the outrage for after you've died on that hill, guys!

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Washington State has a law that says you can't threaten people or you can be charged with harassment. This seems like something that should be true everywhere.

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Someone needs to explain to this guy that if he removes the school board from the room, they can find another room. Unless he meant remove like remove (and not with votes, either).

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Sounds like my Wingnut Bro might have helped him write that speech. At least the Make Men Great Again and Make Men Men Again.

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