Conspiracy wackadoo is as conspiracy wackadoo does.

Ride a moebius strip from end to end except on the opposite side.

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Fine. If antivaxxers mask up, for whatever stupid reason, at least they're masked.

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"the idiot co-founder with a "very heavy heart" explained that she knew of "at least three women with menstrual cycles impacted after having spent time with a vaccinated person."

Why do I think she just used her period as an excuse not to sleep with her husband and then made this shit up to cover it. I WANTED TO BE WITH YOU AND MY HEADACHE IS FINALLY GONE BUT NOW THE mRNA MADE ME HAVE MY PERIOD FOR THE LAST 6 WEEKS. I SWEAR.

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So the regular COVID virus is fine, they feel comfortable catching that, but the shed *vaccine* virus (that’s not how any of this works DOT gif) is something to be afraid of. Got it. Whatever. If that makes you dick sacks stay your Covid spreading asses away from me, it’s all good.

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The vaccine has a 5G microchip in it. You need to buy my special dynamic inertia faraday cage to completely protect yourself.

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For more than a year the antimaskers, antivaxxers, antiscience types have been saying, "Fuck you, I don't care if I endanger anyone else -- my freedom uber alles."

Now they want me to give a shit about some fantasy where I'm endangering them.


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Pfft. Made my own with #18 lamp wire. Easy peasy. Recipe's on You Tube.

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The best thing they can do is isolate themselves from the rest of us forever. Also, never vote, that’s how the scamdemic gets ya.

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Take it down. We need to mass produce and sell for $50.

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Whatever gets these weirdos to finally wear a mask and contribute to ending the pandemic, great. It’s no surprise a ridiculous conspiracy theory would get these horribly lost souls to mask up, when a global disease even Trump caught would not.

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He’s better off. People this dumb might shed stupid during coitus.

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I am starting to feel a bit ill, as the votes come in, we may have elected an Anti-masker as our new Mayor of Anchorage. 😲

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A neighbor the other day told me she thinks maybe the pandemic has been ‘hyped’ to be worse than it is, running longer, and requiring more attention than it deserves, because the pharmaceutical companies want to sell their products, specifically the vaccines. Being a nice neighbor, and because she has baby goats I want to visit, I tried to be judicious. I told her I agreed that pharmaceutical and insurance companies have some work to do, gaining the trust of the general public, but hopefully we can get back to a state of safe normality soon.

I was disappoint. She is a schoolteacher. I had thought her a smarty. I happen to have another schoolteacher neighbor who thought it clever to note the pandemic being a biblical sign. Both these teachers of children have gotten vaccinated, btw, because they can’t get pandemic teacher pay if they don’t. In fact, one is going to be teaching kids in summer school for $40/hr cuz pandemic pay.

So, to racap, Capitalist greed and the debeel are pandemic, and you should get vaccinated for special pandemic monies.

The baby goats are delightful.

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To all anti-vaxers out there, I hear Montana is nice.

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Pine Needle tea. Yummers.

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Pine-Sol for short.

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