I'm hoping someone has a good Drano Cocktail recipe.

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You can get Herman Cain to do it, providing the document is less than three pages long.

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Not having enough buttsex leads to constipation?

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That's the best comment ever.

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114 of 121 people found the following review helpful: "Excellent bargains, fast delivery, backtalk free servants! A+++ Seller, would defo buy from A1SlavesNSuch.com again! " Published on August 19, 1782 by TeeJeff_da_LuvGuv

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Old Man River?

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POD: Thank you! Personally, I'm partial to "Roxanne." And the one where's he a gangster retiring to Arizona.

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Thank you both.

I and I remember the days of slavery.

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The crickets will be in on the debate? Excellent. It's always a good idea to have someone with brains on the podium.

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And she apologizes if anyone is upset because they didn't understand the preamble was irrelevant.

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There's a dude on that other site (I no longer post there btw - why buy anger?) who claims this. Fuck him...until he shows me the whip scars on his back or can talk about how the massa got his wife pregnant he needs to shut the fuck up.

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You know that meant many men were wifeless, since the rich guys hogged all the women. Having all those single men must have also been great for society.

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-Tom Jefferson

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It's always been the quiet ones that you have to watch out for.

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I think they miss the fact that it is totally possible, and in the case of the teatard crowd nearly impossible not to, embarass yourself while lacking the self-awareness to recognize they should be embarassed. As with nearly everything in their empty heads...just because you don't get it doesn't mean it isn't so.

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Downy McFistula is busy here, between fapping sessions. Upfisted everyone, just to make him less than useless.

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