Yup, know a Black Israelite at work who is Trumpier than any slack-jawed, gap-toothed, meth-addled White Trash from South Cracklacky

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Something approximately about oral sex, right? "Near Head," or something?

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I am not only white and male, but Southern to boot--and yet, I have given up on my tribe.

I can't be sure, but maybe the last straw for me was the "election" of Benedict Donald, by a bunch of yahoos--who had claimed for decades to be so much more patriotic than the rest of us--but who cheerfully handed our country over to Mommie Dearest Russia (Remember Russia? Enemy #1 when I was growing up?), in hope of regaining their sacred privilege of saying the N-word whenever and wherever they felt like it.

I feel rather like a mutant in the Marvel Comics universe, who happens to be white and male, but feels mostly contempt toward his normal white male peers, because he has decided that Magneto is right about the normals, after all.

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"They're trying to blame this on "The Squad" — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley — falsely claiming that they are all anti-Semitic, despite the fact that 3/4 of them are currently campaigning for Bernie Sanders, who is Jewish."

Earlier I said that Ilhan Omar was the only member of The Squad that, to my knowledge, had said anything anti-Semitic. Well, turns out that Tlaib has also accused backers of pro-Israel bills of forgetting what country they represent:


So, two out of the three Squad members who've endorsed Bernie and therefore couldn't have an anti-Semitic bone in their bodies, have said things that, if they came out of Sarah Palin's mouth, would be taken as damning proof of anti-Semitism. Sure, it's easy enough to criticize Republicans when they go ant-Semitic -- it's always fun to call them out -- but if you're not willing to call out people you otherwise like, then where are your principles?

To reiterate before someone goes there: the issue here isn't that Tlaib or Omar or anyone else opposes certain pro-Israel policies. The issue is that Omar and Tlaib accuse supporters of being disloyal to the United States or being beholden to Jewish money. This is to say nothing of the underlying idea that a person can't be a good American while also being supportive of Israel, the old "dual loyalty" canard.

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It’s like someone has been riling up all the mouth-breathing racists... wonder who

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/smacks forehead.

Damned if I know what the common variable is.

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Mother fucking bullshit.

"The benjamins" are obviously 100 dollar bills with the portrait of Benjamin Franklin on them.

It has NOTHING to do with Judaism.

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Just because you can't hear a dogwhistle -- or are pretending not to (it's not for me to say which is the case) -- doesn't mean it's not there. But you know who can hear it? Lots of Jewish people, many of whom have tried to talk to Omar about that sort of thing, and found her unwilling to listen.


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One of my all-time favorite songs.

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"If Liberals would just listen to their concerns better.........."


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They are full-on Tasmanian Devil on Ibogaine wacko

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Oh, and I'd appreciate it if anyone who downvotes me has the courage to identify themselves and why they disagree with me. Otherwise they might as well identify as Trumpsuckers.

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Hey, lay off the Tasmanian Devils! What have they ever done to deserve being compared with Black Hebrew Israelites?:-)

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None of what you posted is a justification for killing people. Full stop. Don’t stab people. Don’t target people for their religion.

People may be downvoting you because the combative tone of your post, plus the fact that in your “oh yeah violence is bad” bit at the end you then alluded to murdering people which kind of invalidates that first part. Regardless of your intention, you are pretty much rushing to come up with a reason why someone might murder someone for their beliefs framed in a somewhat justifiable way, and in doing so, you may be invalidating people’s understandable mourning, shock, fear, etc. You’re rushing right past the extremely important grieving part and straight into the “ehh maybe this is somehow more okay” bit, and that’s both unhealthy and kind of shitty to do. You’re also skipping over the pretty oblivious trend of rising hate crimes in the wake of Trumpism.

As far as the people not replying to you being like Trump voters, regardless of what your personal beliefs on this topic may be, nobody owes you a logical or reasoned discussion around a tragedy. That’s not saying your views or points aren’t also important, but people are allowed to tacitly say you’ve misread the vibe of the thread and move on. It’s not censorship or saying we can therefore never legislate against the abuse of women.

Oh, and I am not one of the mystery downvoters. Sorry.

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Isn’t Bernie an atheist? Not that it matters or anything. The only people who think have apparently forgotten we had Nazi issues long before those women were elected.

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