Totally worth it

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What book is this?

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It's called "Shakespeare Identified." It came out in 1929! It was just reissued. Why it was so ignored is very hard to comprehend. It's compelling, it approaches the subject from around 15 different directions. I've always thought of those people who didn't think Shakespeare wrote the work as cranks-- I never thought about it at all. Just buy it and see what you think. (if you want to, of course)

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It's the radio waves from the 5G in the vaccine that kills the 'rona, dontcha know! https://media1.giphy.com/me...

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Mr. Keys stands on "a broad base of substantial research and well-thought out decisions" in the same way that Aaron Rodgers is a critical thinker.

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Keys didn't make one argument that Typhoid Mary couldn't have made

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Lots of conversation, eh? Like:

'Did you hear about the stupid teacher?'

'Yeah, glad she's not teaching my kid.'

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I suppose you could be a moron on any number of subjects and still also be a competent teacher of music. But I wouldn't let him near language arts.

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Someone on another thread mentioned The Faerie Queen…we are very literary today.

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That line was from Herbert Spencer. Darwin did pick it up, later, but not in the 'nature red in tooth and claw' sense.

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This guy Keys sounds like a pseudo intellectual and I’m suspicious about his claims of having researched and scienced the fuck out of his cultivated views on vaccination. Also, lots of spit flying around in music class. Not the best location for a vector.

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"Controlling every heartbeat is to taking a life-saving vaccine as legislating abortion is to ____________."

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"Against stupidity the good themselves struggle in vain."Goethe, I think.

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Step 3: Profit!

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Paychecks are a powerful incentive.

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