Perfect, thank you!

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Would like to buy one burn-at-the-stake kit, please.

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The First Amendment covers opinions. It doesn't cover lies, especially when those lies cause damage to someone else.

If I post online that Joe Blow is a pedophile, I'd better have damn solid evidence that those statements are true, or Joe Blow can sue my arse into oblivion.

Vaccine safety is scientifically proven truth. Vaccine denialism isn't opinion. It's lies, and it definitely should be shut down.

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You take your life into your hands when you tell them to turn their heads and cough.

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They shouldn't be allowed to raise money in 'go fund me' when their child has died of neglect. They should be tried for murder

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So glad you recovered!

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Actually penicillin was discovered in 1928 by Alexander Fleming, an English Professor of Bacteriology. Jonas Salk and a team at the University of Pittsburgh developed a vaccine against polio which was approved for use in 1955. The very first people to get the shots were children from the Arsenal Elementary School in Pittsburgh. (A few years later Albert Sabin introduced an oral vaccine that replaced Salk's version.) I guess the anti-vaxxers haven't seen enough suffering to actually have fear. In those days people FEARED polio and rejoiced over the work of "real doctors."

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And you're right about that. The anti-vax group she went to is now calling the whole thing a false flag so they don't have to deal with reality. Infuriating...

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Please do not tell me that the potatoes were supposed to draw out the disease.

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I do not understand why these parents are not being charged with at the very least negligence. We charge parents with abuse who are engaged in Munchausen's-by-proxy. I do not see how administering non medical treatments--against the advice of a physician and which may in fact hasten or worsen the effects of the influenza--is any different.

Failing that, I'd like five minutes in a locked room with a couple five or so anti-vaxxers, please. I have some anger issues to sort out.

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Referenced by how well that worked with Krakatoa. Doctors, always warm your hands and gear.

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In real life through, there's practically no one out there who wants to spread disease for the sake of spreading disease. You're typical anti vaxxer is dangerously delusional, and that's kind of the point of the cartoon.

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These sick children have a father. Where is he?

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That is genius.

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Sorry, forgot /s tag. I meant 'organic' in the sense of 'organically grown vegetables'. Very sad to hear of the death of colleague, accidents do happen but what a chemical to come in contact with. I find that society has no appreciation for the dangers and the work of Scientists. They only seem to give a shit if it's saving their dumb arse life and even then not always.

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No idea; nothing I've read makes it clear whether or not he lives with the family. If he does, he needs to be in jail alongside the negligent mother. If he doesn't, he may not have been aware of her behaviour.

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