I'm not worried about anti-vaxxers. They're a problem that natural selection will eventually take care of. Not the stuff like pertussis or measles, but when the next equivalent of the spanish flu comes and a vaccine is finally given that saves the majority of the population, these bozos will refuse it and stop being our problem.

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Don't these people understand that messing around with this vaccine stuff is ALWAYS how the zombie apocalypse begins??

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Sooooo... a 12-year-old gets why anti-vaxxers are a problem, but you don't?

Science Blogs: "Why are antivaccinationists so at home with Libertarianism?"

"what those of us who promote vaccination have been saying all along. Indeed, we’ve been pointing out that antivaccinationists endanger everyone because they promote the degradation of herd immunity"http://scienceblogs.com/ins...

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So, interesting: I looked into contacting Jason Chaffetz to find out if he actually gives Levi Quackenbush the support she says he does in her current top post, in light of the whole pointing an internet mob at a child on behalf of anti-vaccination warriors incident.

Turns out, Chaffetz does not allow email contact for anyone who is not one of his constituents on his congressional page. Also and too, Jason Chaffetz, the guy hunting down Hillary like Inspector Javert with an expense account over her e-mail server, chooses to use privately printed business cards with his gmail address on them for work.

What are the odds.

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Nah. And funnily enough they weren't the targets of a bloodthirsty swarm about their terminally crappy parenting from african mammal (up to a point)-loving alt-right justice warriors

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No one sells snake oil like the US military (warning, NY Times, so paywall): http://www.nytimes.com/2016...

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It's magical thinking. If they're wrong and being affluents carrying out the dumbass rituals of their weird cult isn't a magic bullet which will keep their indigo babies safe and happy forever then they live in the same scary-ass world we do. Also, they probably don't have any friends left who don't horrifyingly judge people whose children aren't perfect.

So by telling them they're wrong you're essentially threatening their child and their social life (not that they appear to care all that much about the kids, when you consider how much time they spend on the interwebs not attachment parenting them, but it's the principle).

Unlike this one, mommy blogs can be terrifying places. This behavior is actually pretty tame compared to the breastfeeding war and the circumcision battle.

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Only a drunk with a gun can stop another drunk with a gun.

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A cult of Munchausen by Proxy-ites. Complete with support groups and facepage pages. Probably even on MS-Linkedin.

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Yeah, and I'll die along with them. Because I have a compromised immune system. The point of vaccinations is not just to immunize the individual, but to stop the spread of the disease to those who, for whatever, can't be immunized due to age or health, or have weak immune systems. It's called herd immunity.

It's how we got rid of small pox. We didn't give the vaccine to every human on the planet, but gave it to enough people over time that the disease died off in the wild.

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I worked for the USPS for 15 years. The only thing that made me want to go postal, besides the lousy management, would have been the customers who seemed to think that we were a repository for their psychotic impulses.

It's sort of sad and scary that one of the nicest people I dealt with from the public was the local drug cartel assassin. My mail cart got pushed into a busy street by the wind, turned over, and letters went flying everywhere. He pulled up in the road, stopped his car, turned on his flashers and got out to help me. I didn't think anything about it. Until I saw the lines of tattooed tears on his face. That's right. Lines of them. I didn't stare long enough to count them, sorry. I thought maybe I was imagining things, but people who would slow down to gawk or laugh at me for the mail being everywhere stopped gawking and laughing when they saw the assassin. As soon as they recognized him, they'd tear out of there, screeching tires and all.

And that's when I had my confirmation that this quiet dude helping me pick up mail was a killer.

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Yeah, same with Paul Ryan here in Wisconsin who, while he is not MY congressperson, is my elderly mother's. So much for being able to "talk" to the people elected to represent you and your loved ones (or, in his case stands for everything my 90-plus mother is against).

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And that makes total sense, because their committees (or in Ryan's case the entire freaking House) don't affect anyone but their constituents.

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That's a pretty amazing story...thanks for sharing it. I lurk on the periphery of a Catholic group/philosophy that espouses the notion of radical forgiveness...that it is wrong to judge another solely by the worst thing they have ever done. Maybe his man had found some redemption in life. Or maybe he simply felt a flourish of charity then went back to his anointed task of killing people. You'll never know. What mattered to you was his act of compassion in a moment of need. These are the things that make life exasperating, beautiful, and heartbreaking.

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I haven't stopped laughing at the anti-vaxxers` "no way a 12-year-old could think this up on his own - CONSPIRACY!!!!" hyperventilating. The obvious conclusion is their arguments are so weak they can be utterly demolished by a smart kid. Hence the resorting to their usual repellent tactics of doxxing, character assassination and conspiracy-mongering. They`ve got nothing else.

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The Bronx Zoo has a moat between the glass walls at the Aquarium and for the predator exhibits, and you travel in a clear-sided tunnel through the gorilla enclosure. It can be done.

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