Since anti-vaxxers will believe every single conspiracy theory out there, why not create a new conspiracy theory?

The them the anti-vaccination movement was started by the government as a form of population control. Wake up sheeple, they want your kids to get sick and die so they won't have to pay them welfare when they inevitably drop out of elementary school at the age of 21.

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I have also heard that there are very, very few diagnosis for autisim there as well. Is that true?

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This issue is as divisive as our politics today. There is no possibility of dialog between these two views while people are passionately blinded by the thought of their children suffering harm (and I think we can allow that this is driving the rhetorc of both sides). Jebus, we can't have a decent conversation about universal healthcare and "countless" people think the Prez is a Kenyan Muslim who can't be allowed to prez while blah. It seems pointless to me to snark about the idiots who have ridiculous reasons for not vaccinating their children.

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Yep. No sore arm here, either. My doc sent me home with a list of all possible reactions, so I was ready.

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"I am afraid that [my daughter’s] big, like, beautiful blue eyes will, like, not focus on me anymore, and, um, she won’t be the kid that she is.”

I believe that's called "becoming a teenager".

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No sprinklers in California.

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My wife had the same experience with pneumonia. Now every time she gets a cough, she wants to get vaccinated again.

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Which, in fact, she may prevent by refusing to immunize her child.

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You might want to check your numbers there. Measles has about a 1 or 2 in 1000 mortality rate. No one is saying 10%. The others are also a lot less than what you're reporting here. Where would you possibly get those numbers? It doesn't help anything to exaggerate or misrepresent the case for vaccines.

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What did you think was meant by "today's environment"? Of course it meant the United States and other developed nations, not third world countries. You're distorting numbers and I don't understand why.

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Do you have any idea what you are doing? Every time you distort or misrepresent, you create a big window for anti-vaxxeryous to question everything else you've said. People simply investigating for the first time, or who haven't even thought to question vaccines, will see your distortions, followed by your refusal to even admit to it, and wonder why you would need to be not only distorting evidence, but being rude to someone who politely tries to point it out.

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From your own link: "In populations with high levels of malnutrition and a lack of adequate health care, up to 10% of measles cases result in death." That's your equivalent of "in today's environment". I think you're actually anti-vax, trying to discredit the pro-vax side. It's the only rational explanation.

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Looking over your Disqus history, you're obviously legit. And apparently style yourself a "rational thinking science lover". So why the abandonment of reason and science? The 10% number isn't even the global average, it's the worst case scenario.

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Olivia Benson would disagree with RFK the lesser.

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I'm sure if we conslut with Rand Paul, Rafael Cruz, or Tom Cotton, we can find some pretext.

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What did the sea lions do to deserve the anti-vaxxers?

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