It's shit like this that makes me stare in wonder at my father's assertion that the NYT is a liberal news rag.

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Isn't it unusual that-- considering "anti-woke" as a cause that generates such masses of attention-- if it vanished this minute from the universe, nothing would have changed?

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"Anti-Woke" is basically racism/Nazism.

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Having originally not having a definitive opinion about SubjigationShack, I really HATE IT NOW

Like a right-winger it tries to force things upon me evrey single time I am on. Because I accidentally put two posts in Note, which I cannot get rid of, I find that I now have followers. I DO NOT WANT FOLLOWERS BEACUSZE I HAVE NO INTENTION WHATSOVER OF GIVING YOU MY THOUGHTS OTHER THAT HERE IN THE THREADS - NOTHING PERSONAL, SERIOUSLY.


I signed up to ziggywiggy's cause I wanted to see her pictures, the only extra-curricular 'activity' I have done here through Wonkette.

Also, the e-mails to me that ShitShack keep sending me are making it nearly impossible to read my e-mail. I Do appreciate it if you upvote me, I really doo, but I don't need an e-mail for every one, and I can SEE you responses on the threads do I do not need those either.

After I decided to go to bed and I found four pages of 30 each e-mails that were JUST responses.

I checked each one in c ase I miseed the response to me,and i took me nearly 20 minutes.

Back at wonderful Disqus, there were upvotes and downvotes, and you could hover over the foemer and see who upvoted, and you could do that with others' comment too. I was able to AdBlock an entire page of SnubCrack that were suggestions of things I might want to get, not a single one that I would ever loodk. Having said that I already subscribed to some Subtrack from people I WANTED to read before this debacle like happened the other day.

Some people wil no doubt be insulted but I am truly sorry for that. I know you did not make this problem, and I appreciate any assitance any help anyone can give.

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Well I'm upset to find that substack is run by an odious billionaire guy, when I'd been so convinced it was run by a man who was interested in me who wanted nothing more than that I fulfill my destiny and monetize my cute ideas! So I wouldn't die in the poorhouse. Perhaps he was more worried about that than I was! But now I doubt it. Still, Rebecca is very glad and it saves her money. And I can get right behind that. But I no longer believe I ought to monetize my little thoughts because of the thoughtful man.

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I'm not familiar with how Notes work, but you can turn off all of the e-mail notifications if you click your profile in the upper right, go to Settings, and then turn off everything in the Notifications section.

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I understand that, but then I might've not seen you comment. I still want to know these things but not in e-mails, and I shouldbn't have to go through a whole post to find things if I have been out for awhile.

I think a VERY IMPORTANT POINT is that SuckShit only wants to pummel people with more shit you do not want in your inbox.

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At the risk of me being a jerk ...

... you've already said that. And we've already heard you say it.

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At the risk of you being a jerk, how can I know who has read my previous posts? There are others here who have had problems too, and maybe they did not say as much as I have, but I have noted that some of them posted about their problems more than once also.

Pehaps you should be a jerk to them too, stranger.

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If you click the bell icon to the left of your profile you can see notifications about replies and upvotes--you don't need e-mail notifications for that. And if you click on the text of one it'll take you right to the relevant part of the thread, though how well that works seems to depend on the browser you're using. It works very well for me on Safari mobile, but on Firefox on a desktop it just takes me to the comments section and not necessarily the thread I'm looking for. It would be nice if you could just reply from the notification like Disqus though.

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I am using Chriome and other things seem fine, but it is not somthing I find intuitive, but it looks t=like what you have told me will help. Thanks!

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Never heard of him.

The Times is not the (or a) paper of record and has not been for generations.

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Maybe look into another platform than this one (which has been a real pain in the ass to deal with, anyway).

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Have any of these "race realists" ever studied statistics or population studies or something based on actual science which is peer reviewed and evidence based rather than stuff they pull out of their ass, I mean their limited world view? If an IQ test I took in elementary school pegs me as a few points away from being a member of MENSA (though I am far from it), I don't put much validity in that kind of test.

I would ignore all these race realists, but they are insidious and their followers have lots of firearms and keep killing innocent people who are just trying to live life and care for their loved ones or attend a movie or concert or parade or send their children to school to have a bright future.

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Calls himself a "race realist". Is that the new fascist term for "bigot"?

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A new term for racist. Same meaning though.

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It's like anti-trans "Gender Realists", so yes.

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It's not any kind of new, but yes.

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I'd never heard it before so it's new to me.

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Your life is blessed with a lower general count of racist bullshit than others', which is a mighty gift indeed.

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Unlikely considering I'm in Louisiana.

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I'm blessed to live in what may be the least racist state (at least its Northern half}. It's a new term to me, also.

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"He was a recent guest on a podcast hosted by the CEO of Substack, the $650 million publishing platform where Hanania has nearly 20,000 subscribers."

If it only takes 20,000 subscribers to get you on the CEO of Substack's podcast, then Rebecca should be on his podcast almost weekly with the number of people who are in this community.

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True dat. Joe Rogan, whoever that is, is reported to have followers in the tens of millions. 20,000 is unimpressive.

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I can't wait to not buy this shitty book. Maybe H-C will do a cancel on him and give him something else to whine about.

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No worries. It will end up in thrift stores shortly after publication.

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His professional and corporate friends will mass-buy enough copies to boost it to NYTimes Best Seller list, don't worry. That's their M.O.

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Harper-Collins CANNOT afford a flop right now. Anyway, I hope it flops.

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Fuck the New York Times. I used to subscribe to them and found it annoying, until they gave Tom Cotton editorial space to decry the Black Lives Matter protests. When I stopped my subscription, the person on the other end of the call had a certain world weariness about hearing why I was cancelling. I gave that money to Wonkette with love and you have not let me down!!!

Sometimes, I will be in an airport or a train station with nothing to read and I will buy the Sunday Times, mostly for the crossword. Almost everything else (The Book Review WTF??? The horror!) is garbage. Now I travel with a NYTimes crossword puzzle book and all is good

I would rather get my news from the respectable British news sources, At least some are not run by wealthy jerks ( I am looking at you WaPo, as well)

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I subscribe to the NYT Cooking app only. That's the only money they'll get from me, and the only thing worth it, imho.

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The Guardian.

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The Guardians excellent climate and environmental reporting

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I love The Guardian too

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Bill Maher is way too far over the tips of his "smarm" skis to pull back now. I'm quite sure he doesn't give a rat's ass about losing one more fan, but, bqwhetvr, he's lost another one! I had a pretty high opinion of the guy, back in the day.

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The only people I hear using the term "Woke" are those opposed to "it" Whatever their small minds have determined "it" to be.

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Fair skin is a pretty recent evolutionary development. It has to do with the ability to synthesize Vitamin D with less sunlight exposure All humans had darker skin until about 25,000 years ago. Climate change may push evolutionary pressure to favor darker skinned humans once more. So much for White Supremacy

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Aug 6, 2023
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Race is a purely social construct with NO scientific basis whatsoever

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But our government sure is sold on the concept.

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Other than SOCIAL science, of course.

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The Bill Maher types know exactly where the anti-woke crowd is coming from, and they have no problem with that, because the Bill Maher types are nothing but insecure whites seeing their entitled hold on society disappearing.

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