Well, if it outlaws monopsonies, then there goes your single-payer financing of health care. Let's hope this is not the case...

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Yes! There is no reason why one company should control both The Mouse and The Duck.

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IANAL, but if the government is the single payer, rather than a commercial entity, I don't think that would fall under anti-trust law.

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Then my work here is done.

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I remember reading the article a few months ago why someone predicted Parler would ultimately fail, and it was because they were so determined to make "conservative social media" that they failed to work on "better than existing social media." I don't think the author, himself a conservative, could have quite predicted the spectacular kersplosion that Parler ended with, but he was absolutely right.

Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, etc all dominate because they're so easy grandma can use them. Parler was easy enough, but lacked the robust security in the backend and the common sense moderation on the front end needed to actually compete with the big boys.

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I'm about to say goodbye to my 7 year old desktop that I built from a kit I bought from Newegg. I'm replacing it with a modern watercooled system, and while I could theoretically build that on my own, the addition of the liquid makes me hesitant. So I'm actually ordering from a local system builder that I trust. He promised to make it cool and glowy.

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Only kind I like really.

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Now they’ve got that M1 tho.

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No you’re right. It’s creepy.

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well theres linux too ya kno

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Yeah, that annoys me. I can run MacOS, Windows 10 and Linux on my ancient iMac, but it looks pretty much impossible to do now on the new machines.

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Capitalism has become the centralized command economy model it so professed to despising in communism. The only difference being that private individuals rather than central government are running the show. The Covid pandemic has pointed out the almost laughable dual standard of the supposed "free marketeers"- who have been and are still happy to pocket the profits of their monopolies, yet scream like honeymooning hogs at the merest suggestion that they bear the costs of the pandemic. How quickly they proceed cap in hand to the government , who proceed to cave to their demands with equal alacrity. Yet the public, who have to pay for this largesse through taxation, are viewed as shiftless criminals if they dare to even suggest they need assistance to feed their children. "Are there no workhouses?", the billionaires cry. "Who will rid of us these pesky proles?"

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Mary Ellen Moffett. She broke my heart.

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He thinks he's Caesar.

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Do you want the gas tax to go up to $1 per gallon? Because that's your alternative.

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