Holy Mother of Fuck. Scalia really is a reprehensible lying shitwad, isn't he?

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It seems that every time I have to deal with a 4-4 split I end up rolling a gutter ball.

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You think it's a coincidence that so many of them are gunfuckers?

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Here's a hint: it's pope lives in a country contained within the same country Scalia's forebears came over here from.

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Eh, more like the following:

1. Catholicism 2. Evangelical Christian (pick ur flavor), to the extent they embrace the doctrine of transubstantiation, the tripartite deity, and the infallibility of all popes before the current one. 3. Orthodox Judaism, after they confess to killing you-know-who and Jebus comes back and converts them all to you-know-what.

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There's at least one freedumb-(for me, doh!)-loving moocher-rancher out west who'd be sorry to hear that.

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The USAF has an even bigger problem. But I'm sure Nino would tell us that a military force chock full of flying Xtian fucknuts is exactly what the Founders intended.

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NO ONE out argle-bargles Catholics. It's part of the DNA.

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You got the Constitution on my JEEBUS!

Wait, this tastes gooooooooddd .....

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Ima go with (e) furniture polish.

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...and men not wearing wigs.

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If only there were some law against government passing laws establishing religion....

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Scalia is the gremlin on the wing of the plane. Oh. Not <i> that</i> episode?

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"Up to here" = "just the tip"

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Now Clarence Thomas wonders if Ouija is a new kind of Fleshlight.

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