Or in certain cases (food rules), merely a reflection of the fact that the refrigerator hadn't been invented 2000 years ago and the Middle East lacked ice houses.<br /><br />But yeah, what we're seeing is that wholesale reliance on a combination of a book, some dude in Italy wearing a funny hat, and fear of an invisible being to tell you what's allowed and what isn't is emphatically <em>not</em> a sound basis for morality, rather it leads to the attrition of the ability to think meaningfully about morality and ethics; in Scalia's case, that attrition has pretty much run its full course, it seems.

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Fuck the other end, mebbe they'll choke.

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I wouldn't fuck/marry that if it were on sale for just $9.95!

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"Reduction to the absurd" describes Scalia's career.

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I can see him in clown paint. Can anyone else see Scalia pursing his true calling as a circus clown?

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I've heard that he's a fan of East Village bondage bars.

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It's almost like Scabia is saying "I'll suggest about yes O wait now sonny my turn is coming" to the whole country.

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ahhh that takes me back to that fantastic scene in 'titus andronicus' when rapine and murder are presented to titus and he gets to gut them and feed them to their mother.

good times.

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can i just say? that dude is GROSS.

that is all.

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Missing, of course, is any rational explanation of what makes gay marriage "immoral" in the first place. For some reason, Nino never cites his (2000-year-old) source for that tidbit.

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Sadly, he's immune to votes.

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Actually, he only asked for <i>deux baguettes</i>. But his French kinda sucked, and the rest, as they say, is history.

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"Calling balls and strikes," as Roberts put it.

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You'll get the rights that Nino thinks you should have, no more and no less. If it isn't enumerated in the Constitution, it doesn't exist and you can't have it. And Originalist Nino isn't too crazy about those so-called "amendments," either.

Except <i>Emendamento Due.</i> He likes that one big time.

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Well yes, Scalia was very effective at making himself look absurd.

Of course, that's not difficult, because he <em>is</em> absurd.

I'll just toss in a casual mention that legal gay sex (a) is legal, and (b) involves consenting adults, whereas murder (a) is very illegal, and (b) does not involve the consent of the dead party. Yes Nino, most of us knew that from when we were very, very little. No, sadly, you cannot be impeached for being Dumber Than Jeff Foxworthy.

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Sodomy immoral? This is bad news for pussy eaters and cock suckers. For many "older" Americans, it's all they have left.

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