And 3, 2, 1, Trump starts attacking more families of more American service people killed in action.

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Waiting behind 50 cars at a community college in North Charleston, SC for COVID testing. I hear it’s pass /fail. This sign protects the privacy of the fish in this pond.https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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As one does while running for re-election

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It’s only logical.

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Are the fish wearing pants?!

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"I prefer soldiers who don't get killed for the bounty."

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Has there ever been a negative news story, item, rumor, that has not been out to get Trump? He could spin a delayed 5th grade trip to the zoo into a personal affront, but this is an all time low. Soldiers getting dead to make him look bad. There is a special place in hell for someone who would do this.

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The Lincoln Project once again.

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''only'' 86% of 62mil votes is still a lot of idiots.and reading their 'reasons', my god utter idiots, they will grudgingly chanfe their votes.scum

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