<i>Has a beaver tangled with your dog?</i>

My God, Santorum was right!

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Who's mailin' Palin?

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Schrute bucks, Stanley nickels

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I'm sure she meant <a href="http:\/\/www.chocolatemoosedc.com\/Headings\/Splash.gif" target="_blank">chocolate moose</a>.

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It's as if the year 1998 never happened.

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"Why are you carrying a weasel?" If I had a nickel...

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Shifting gears from whiners to weiners...

<a href="http:\/\/www.huffingtonpost.com\/2011\/06\/11\/debbie-wasserman-schultz-anthony-weiner_n_875402.html" target="_blank">Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Nancy Pelosi: Anthony Weiner Should Resign</a>

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Well, she did make it real personal when it came to the DOT.

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She read all of them, Katie. -------------------------- Uh-oh ... El Fistula is a Palin fan. Who'da thunk it? Upfists to all.

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"It wasn't a weasel, it was a martin!"

That's such a useful line... gotta remember it.

---------------------- Edit: El Fistula doesn't agree with this post? Clearly he's a fan of weasels.

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Mostly just bringing up that everyone is being STUPID about this whole mess. After a couple of weeks of this shit, I am sticking by my opinion everyone is overreacting, especially Pelosi and <a href="http:\/\/www.huffingtonpost.com\/2011\/06\/09\/david-vitter-anthony-weiner-_n_873393.html" target="_blank">these fuckwads</a>.

I hate the precedent this sets, because it means basically every politician having an affair is going to have to resign now, which is ridiculous.

People say "but he lied" as if anyone who has ever had an affair hasn't also lied to cover it up. You think people who've cheated on their spouses are honest about it?

It's not his fault this is still being dragged out by Breitbart and the rest...Breitbart even got a personal apology and he still refuses to let it go, which just makes him seem like an even bigger asshole.

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over the last three years (since the world has taken notice of snowbilly), i've had to REPEATEDLY admit, that yes, in fact i was fully aware of who she was BEFORE the republican convention.

wonkette readers: most informed, most annoyed.

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MID LEVEL executives don't write 24,000 emails in two years.

to be fair, most executives don't shoot wolves from planes either.

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on the plus side, this should keep the palin trolls busy for a bit: lockin' and loadin', defendin', refudiatin', squirmishin'.

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Exactly, who the fuck has IMAP and POP on for what appears to be an Exchange environment? That infrastructure was hugely hackable back in 07, just a matter of who had the will to do it.. Maybe they should farm that out to the lowest bidder and put it in the magical CLOUD. ooohhh, magic.....

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I think we know the answer to that.

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