The definitive Bob Newhart on psychology: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGYJmgsBF4E

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Somewhat OT but in same zip code as fascism. I hope that Wonkette will write about DeSantis claiming federal employees will have their necks slit on day one of his presidency. See Gov Exec dot com.

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Congratulations, white, middle-class, suburban Florida parents. You just screwed yourselves over by supporting DeSantis when he was fucking over people who weren't you.

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I’ve been a college professor for decades and never heard of International Baccalaureate being accepted for college credit in lieu of proper AP courses.

Parents - don’t let your children be taken in by off-brand imitators.

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But they like store brand Miracle Whip.

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Will old episodes of Frazier do or is David Hyde Pierce too gay for Florida?

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Kelsey Grammer's Nazi leanings more than make up for David Hyde Pierce's gayness.

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So, I’m a fall/winter person so FL would not appeal to me in the best of times. But really, you have a state that’s mostly swamp, eroding beach front and mosquitoes and is more susceptible to the ravages of climate change than, arguably, any state in the country and you just commit yourselves to making it worse? You endeavor to make your populace dumber, unemployable and non-competitive with the rest of the U.S.? You pick fights with your largest cash cow, Disney? Who is voting for this shit?! I mean, WTF?!

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gee, it's almost as though sexual orientation is an integral part of human psychology that can't be changed because it would make Jeebus gay or some shit.

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"Life aboard a ship is hard. The constant movement, the constant work as you fended off the destruction the sea always holds at your throat. That is why brief moments of respite are the cool, calm waters that allow you to continue. It was during one of my brief moments of rest that I notice Queegueg across the bunks and I thought to my self, 'Here is a man who knows how to handle a harpoon.'"

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Dr. Katz has been there for me lo these many years.

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The College Board seems capable of learning from that, er, kerfuffle over Black history.


Meanwhile, I hope that Florida parents who nodded and winked at this law enjoy paying tuition credits for what their kids could have knocked off for free in high school...

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Not to mention the money they're going to pay to make up for the lack of coursework, lest little Billy or Suzy come crying to them because none of their top three choices accepted them, and now they're stuck with New Fascist College of Florida.

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How quickly you all have forgotten that there are a ton of studies that show that if you expose 18-year olds preparing for college to the ghayez, they all become gay themselves . . . or at least the amount of lesbian porn they watch on their PornHub accounts goes way up.

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I feel personally attacked by this post.

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Dr. Katz runs afoul of Florida's "Don't Say Squigglevision" laws

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I modeled my life in my twenties after Ben Katz.

My thirties after Coach McGuirk.

You don't know how hard it was to get all squiggly.

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We just got an email aria morning from St Johns County Schools saying AP Psych is still going to be taught this year. I am curious if FL backed down, College Board backed down, or I am missing something.

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Or the local school board is saying "Fuck you, sue us" to the state.

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I did believe the universities in FL were still providing quality education (I know the lower levels aren't because grandchildren), but I guess Ronnie of the White Boots would prefer Universal Dumbness.

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Well, they have totally dismantled the one decent college the state run because of "the hippies," so . . .

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My family moved from PA to FL my senior year. I spent the majority of my time sitting in the courtyard or hanging out in AP Ceramics class, because the standard curriculum in all my classes was so far behind what I had already learned that I’d finish the class work too quickly, and the teachers thought it was demoralizing for the other students. I was just lucky I squeezed into the AP Ceramics class at the last minute because otherwise I would have had absolutely nothing to do. There were no other open slots for the other AP courses, but for that one and one for AP Classic Art (deeply disappointing cuz the teacher was unqualified and unstable). Probably I could have snuck out to the agriculture class field project area to smoke weed with those kids and the teacher, but FL is hot AF and I wasn’t acclimated yet.

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It's a great story, but a crappy experience.

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That could be the Florida state motto.

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Welcome to Florida, It's crappy here.

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Well, at least it's not "Sun, Fun, Stay, Play."

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by ziggywiggy

I taught middle school Reading/English in Central Florida during the mid-aughts. During one of my classes, a student remarked that something was “totally gay”. Sitting two seats over, was my Baby Gay, and my bisexual heart just broke when I saw that look specific to middle-school children, especially boys, when they are doing everything possible to not cry. You better believe we talked about Gay that day. My students learned that they were never, ever to use gay as a slur. That my classroom was safe for everyone. And that it gets better.

BAN-HAMMERED REDACTED to Death Sentence, the Dept of Education, Moms for Liberty, every FL Republican lawmaker, and the White Christian Nationalists behind this murderous law. May they all BAN-HAMMERED REDACTED. With votes.

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