technically, that makes HIM the hooker

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Fausto Carmona libel.

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in republican world, the sky is a different color.

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Matthew Boyle learned about haggling with his ho's, apparently.

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Those Groupon deals are pretty good, but you have to act fast to get them.

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So we have a DR attorney, Melanio Figueroa, who for some reason has over $1,000 to spend on hookers -- and he uses it to pay them to slander a New Jersey congressman?

Your average goldfish can figure out that Figueroa did not piss away his own cash on this tawdry enterprise. Reporters trying to follow the money are going to make his life hell, so I'm looking forward to seeing who he names. Prime suspect is the Daily Holler, unless they have a really good explanation for knowing about the whole thing in advance of the rest of the world.

Teabagger fucktardedness really is in a class by itself.

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$300? that's far more than they would have made if they had actually slept with Menendez

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...kinda noticing a pattern hear with these Rethuglican operatives. First ACORN, then Benghazi and now Robert Menendez. If I didn't know any better I would say they were dishonest

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it's not really overpriced if you just refuse to pay- ask the secret service...

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James and the giant queef

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"If I have not seen as far as others, it is because I'm a dwarf standing on the shoulders of a very short giant. The shoulders of another dwarf, to be honest."

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I dunno, it didn't stop Rush. Granted, that was probably a little boy...

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So why did the one woman only get $300, while the other two got $425? Were the more expensive false statements recorded in HD?

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no, you're thinking of the soft drink with the prune juice in it

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dine and dash

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