That would still be consistent with the tox report finding no <em>illicit</em> drugs.

Would also still be consistent with heart failure being the most proximate cause of death.

Alternatively, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and atherosclerosis can both be caused by high blood pressure, and certain illicit drugs do raise blood pressure, including some that are not detectable after only a few days after last use...

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My favorite newspaper was the "Juneau What?"

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But manifest destiny gives all Americans, even welfare queens, the right to drive Cadillacs and oversized pick-up trucks. So how can we be causing climate change?

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We really are fucked,aren't we? Another thing the non-precognitive Founders missed: most of us are lobsters in a gently warming pot.

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Happy desert.

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Gah. The ever-malleable American poll-etartiat. Unusually warm weather == Oh shit, global warming. A heavy snow in wintertime == Global warming is a hoax.

Oh well. We evolved with a strong predisposition to react to very short-term concerns, which is understandable given, you know, predators. There has never been any selection pressure for long-term planning. It's actually kind of remarkable that there are <i>any</i> humans who can think beyond the next fuck.

I'm medium-old (64), so excuse the fatalism, but what's going to happen is warming past the no-stop level. Hundreds of millions of people (visualize everyone you have ever known, times 10,000) will die or become refugees, But relatively few of them will be US residents, so who cares? The US folks will be relocated, and maybe even compensated.

The species will cope. I'm less sure about our political context.

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Robertson is 90 NOW. In keeping w/ the New Rules of Civility, I don't want to actually watch him die and turn to dust, but Jeebus I hope he doesn't prey on the weak another quarter century.

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Unless it involves hating teh gh3ys, in which case its absence from the bible just proves God thought it was so obvious we should all hate teh gh3ys that he didn't think it needed mentioning.

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Worth reading the story just for the name of the place he did it:

<strike>Suck one</strike>Sukkwan Island

Nuge is a turd, also too.

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6) Global warming, and it's man-made, and we can do something about it, but we shouldn't because the effects will be <em>beneficial</em> honestcrossmyheartswearonmymomandmyfingersaren'tcrossedipromise.

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Plus the fact they were able in one skit to just use Palin's exact words, verbatim.

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Climate change is meaningless in the mountains of Appalachia and the cotton fields of the old Confederacy.

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"Asked whether they agreed or disagreed that global warming had contributed to the unusually warm winter just past, 25 percent of the respondents said they strongly agreed that it had, and 47 percent said they somewhat agreed. "

25% + 47% = 72% of all respondents are communists.

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No scientific theory about climate can ever be true because some scientist who believes in it was once wrong about something else. Logic!

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Don't worry. It's supposed to rain and get a bit cooler this weekend - in Maryland, at least. So global warming is officially over.

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Global warming my ass. Just look at how many more fat people there are now. Do you think that's an accident? We're heading towards a period of global cooling...

and cannibalism.

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