And how the hell did we all forget Afghanistan? Does Jim Hoft think the Mujahiddin found those Stingers growing on trees?

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If it turns out to be a right wing militia nut job, its going to be funny watching FOX spin it so that somehow its Obama's fault. They will probably pay for the defense lawyer because...liberty.

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Crichton's later works are unreadable -- my derp detectors kick in and just shut the whole thing down.

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Yeah, those Pentagon mega-projects were the ultimate in free-market strategy.

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". . . a well-coordinated attack"? Two bombs go off within 20 seconds of each other and that's considered 'well-coordinated'?

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By the time we're done handing out salted poisoned rat dicks to all the deserving nutters, they'll be putting rats on the endangered species list.

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I find it brings a macabre sort of comfort that the bar for terrorist competency is set so low.

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Shut up, Glenn.

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...true, but the 9-11 attacks(and all foreign attacks) and the Boston Marathon attack differ in one key area. Most attacks on the U.S. by Al-Queda are symbolic, for example the attack on the WTC. They saw it as a symbol of American capitalism/imperialism. Even the "Shoe Bomber" plot was designed to cause uncertainty in our financial markets. The Boston attack is highly sophisticated but lacks any real symbolism. Unless Al-Queda decided to take on the "Hamas" business model of straight up targeting civilians, it doesn't make sense

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...well, if the "subscribe" to it maybe we can just send the Girl Scouts door to door selling different subscriptions. Maybe Playboy or Penthouse!!!

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When all you have are idiots, every problem looks like it has an amazingly simple solution (e.g., "Nuke Teheran, problem solved!"), the genius of which the liberals are just too dumb to appreciate.

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They're already warming up the "false flag" bullshit pie, just in case.

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We still haven't paid for St. Ronnie's military spendapalooza. Whether he spent both sides into oblivion remains to be seen.

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Trying to outspend countries, as we simultaneously pour our cash into them. What could possibly go wrong?

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We'll hand over every last dollar to the Chinese, and then collapse, taking down the dollar with us. Won't they be surprised! The laughter rising from our hovels will be maddening.

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