I'm sorry, you are a woman? How the fuck should I know, based on your avatar and your pivate profile? Or is "ginmar" a cultural clue which I have missed?

Also, I didn't attack you, if you care to read what i wrote.

Based on the general agressivity in that thread, I thought you were all males, TBH.

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I read the decision. I don't see where the court offers other avenues for compensation.

Basically, if the police destroys your property and has even the slimmest of bare-ass excuses, you have no constitutional protection.

Nothing wrong in this picture, since the police acts for the public good.

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A .380 is what a femme fatale could carry. .9mms are large enough that I can't comfortably hold one.

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No , a .9mm is standard issue, but I can't hold one.

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I used to bust shoplifters for a bookstore, and I was five foot three and 120 lbs. It's just NOT that hard.

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Why in the FUCK do cops need grenade launchers??

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I'm surprised it didn't fall right off. And the scary thing? He's lucky.

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How long have you been holding that one in reserve?

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It's scary to stumble over evidence of this stuff. Stay safe, my dear.

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So the whole mm thing refers to the ammunition? Thanks, I learned something.

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Trust me, it’s really shitty weed.

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I argued no such fucking thing. The OP asked about negotiators. I excerpted part of the decision that said negotiators were trying to get the guy our for 5 hours.

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The court's job is not to offer alternatives. Lawyers are expected to know what remedies are available.

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perps still alive because white, just sayin

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So what remedies are available?

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