you know i didn't really know much about him (never seen his show). and while i totally appreciate other wonketteer's more positive reviews, he didn't do much for me.

but then, comedy is really personal and really fucking hard.

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i didn't much like him, but you're right. that sound of music bit was funny.

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Like you wouldn't be fawning if you were there.

Oh, wait, that's me, I guess.

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Ipso fatso.,

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Actually, the crash was caused by drifting too goddam far to the right.

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Actually, the same line of reasoning has been used by some number of folks on the losing side of every Presidential election during at least my lifetime.

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I think he's on a tour of Narnia.

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I didn't watch the Oscars, but my kids think Seth is god, so I've seen quite a bit of his animated stuff. I'm inclined to think that his motivation is simply to troll anybody/ anything/ any ideal. And a lot of hilarity ensues (at least for me).

But his send-ups can sometimes be so relentless and drawn out that it's possible to wonder if they aren't actually reinforcing the concepts they're supposed to be making fun of. Quite a few feminists (including guy feminists like me) are a little sensitive about Seth and misogyny.

On the other hand, a small sample of my local friends who did watch the show (2 men, 3 women, all 67-70) thought it was hilarious.

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I never even knew Harvey <i>had</i> a surname.

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Hahaha. Followed by "JK". Could have thinned the herd fer sure.

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He was just there for the beer frame, right?

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It wuz robbed! Robbed! How can the 'elites' ignore Rihanna almost hiding her accent successfully, and a guy with artificial limbs using his (made in China, I hear) Jeep to save the world? And when the old guys fired up the battleship, I was in tears,man. Epic failure on the part of The Academy

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Oh, I'm sure the <a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Rabbit_vibrator" target="_blank">Rabbit</a> has plenty of "pull" in Hollywood.

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You could, seriously, raise the dough to have a statue of the guy installed somewhere. Clearly, though, the camera was resting on the table, and you have to wonder how much time the GOPtards put into trying to triangulate exactly which table it was.

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She really should get that nasty tumor looked at.

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