Really glad today is my 'cheat day' wrt to wine.

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It stayed legal in the Emirates until the 1970s and is still practiced there today, however it is officially denied.

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weird that all the stories of slavery are from the gulf states, you might not need to translate the "slavery is bad" message into arabic. cause that's not who has all of the slavery. according to the global slavery index, out of 167 countries, saudi arabia ranks 138 for most prevalence of slavery. Qatar 153, UAE 148, Lebanon 145, and thankfully (for once), the USA is doing good at 158. however the country that we can't quit paying for bombs for, Israel, ranks at 90. Greece, 27. afghanistan is 5, pakistan 8, and Iran is 10 (none of those places speak arabic) and the funny thing is, Kuwait is 155, when the Phillipines is at 30. so dueterte might want to send some of those maids back to Kuwait if he doesn't like slavery. I don't want to defend the gulf states, and one could argue that making women wear burqas and not drive is akin to slavery, but let's not let our preconceived notions of who are the backwards savages and who is the modern democracy cloud our thinking on who are the real slaveowners.https://www.globalslaveryin...

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That still gets you a pool of really hot people.

I dare say most billionaires aren't looking for actual love because having any kind of certainty that that would be real is almost impossible when you're a billionaire.

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"... but with other mineral wealth" ; it might work out for them, depending heavily on which values of "them" you use.

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I am very, very glad I'm not a billionaire. I'd take love over money any day of the week.

(she says as she crosses her fingers hopefully for the Euromillions)

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You are wise beyond your drills, Mr. Dentist.

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Yay! I got one right today!!

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All these countries are our "allies." Doesn't that just make your day?

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"Apple Does Not Like It When People Try To Sell Their Maids On Instagram AND THEY DON'T GET THEIR 30% CUT"


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We have a kosher sushi restaurant in Bexley, Ohio: Moshi Sushi. We have a large Jewish population. I’m not Jewish, but their sushi is very good.

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Their choice...

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Boning the Au pair is a cliche for a reason.

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Same here, and you could tell when the Republicans infiltrated it, they went from enforcing their terms, to using Breitbart as a news source. I always hated their newsfeed, though.

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Of course we do. That's why tfg liked to hire all those foreign workers.

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She must have liked the hospital that much to keep injuring herself (I have a couple patients I suspect have Munchausen's.)

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