And that's not even Bauhaus. But it is gorgeous.

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Geez Louise, Mr. Robinson. Trump should "stick to what he knows best, which is nothing?" Talk about your brutalism. Bravo!!

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a new Germania in DC? who would the new Speer be?

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Apropos of, uh, something, most everybody thought the Eiffel Tower was an ugly abomination when it was first erected too.

Also, heh-heh-heh-heh, β€œerected.”

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Not trying to see racism everywhere, but do you think it could have something to do with this triumph? It is one of the newest and most prominent buildings you see as you enter dc on 14th street, right after the Egyptian monolith, providing contrast to all the Greco-roman stuff. It is like a breath of fresh air every time I see it. When the botanical garden did an exhibit of miniature mall buildings made out of plant materials, mostly sticks, all the other buildings looked so cool with their organic makeover. This one looked...pretty much the same. Already so cool. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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I guess The Fountainhead is like the Bible, you can get use it to justify whatever you want.

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Hands too small, probably can't even reach an octave.

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Trump's casinos and apartments seem to be modeled on the style of French King Louis the Fifteenth, Louis Quinze in French, pronounced 'looie cans'. Spittoons.

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quatorze, actually. quinze is the fifteenth louis.

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and if so, why would it be racist? in san francisco, we have a museum of the african diaspora. is this the d.c. equivalent?

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well, quite honestly…

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XIV, maybe? or XVI?

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Gotcha. Corrected now.

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Stephen Miller.La creme de la crematorium..

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Yes, the National Museum of African American History and Culture, a federal building, opened 2016, designed to "demonstrate an understanding of the African-American experience." the tiers were inspired by Yoruban crowns. Just wondering if the proposed order is intended to make sure we only honor European roots from now on.

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