That is the best example of a "FFS fire your agency" campaign I have seen in awhile.

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Anything by Sid and Marty Krofft.

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Steenkin badgesz!

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Can we surrender, pleeez?

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Thing real threat is illegal immigrants voting. Remember, 3 million of them voted in California alone. Nobody ever commits crimes electronically so don't worry about it. Also please post your social security number, all credit card numbers and other pertinent information on your Facebook page.

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Georgia was an early proving ground for black-box voting, around the time it went Republican. Just saying.

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They really can't see what the problem is. I mean, not that many immigrants from south of the border have really great computers to get all hacky with. It's also felt that liberals are more likely to use their big fancy gigabytes for downloading porn and such. So, where's the problem, really?

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There is a very good reason so many other countries use paper ballots. We should really consider going back to the old mechanical machines: reliable, secure, and impossible to hack. Yes, people have a wait a few more hours for election results, but at least the results are trustworthy and verifiable.

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Or better yet, save me some time and put 'em right here.

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Geez, and I thought it was bad when four of their voting machines were stolen from a truck parked without security in a Kroger's parking lot back in April.

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Lidsville. Really. And they weren't on drugs?

BTW: Years ago, Mr. Show did a great parody of this.


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The comment of the year-o.

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Wanna hear one even worse? Told my brother about this last night. His suggestion?

"To the Batcave!"

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Totally, which makes me think CSID.com is the unnamed cyber security company they are using. When the voter info thing happened Georgians were offered 2 years free monitoring with CSID.

After I signed up, I saw that there was an unknown alias, in a city I've never lived in, associated with my SSN. I called CSID, like their website instructed you to do if you saw something that was wrong on your report, but the person I talked to seemed like I was wasting her time by calling.

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It is helping me to keep my sanity.

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My friend would get extremely stoned and explain to me how the devil kicked ass, and I had to agree with him. I agree with your point about C.Daniels, I took my pacifistic Canadian husband to see him and all he did was spout war-mongering prejudicial bullshit and worst of all he changed the stoner part of Long haired country boy. He basically became everything that he railed against in his early songs.

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