From time to time the right wing nutz tell us "Freedom isn't free" - meaning, heating the Pentagon by burning $100 bills is just fine with them.

Using 9/11 to make money appears to have started on 9/12. Read "Mr. Smith Is Dead" <a href="http://dnipogo.org/fcs/spar..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://dnipogo.org/fcs/spartacus_mr_smith.htm">http://dnipogo.org/fcs/spar...

Folks in Congress stuck their hands into the trough up to the elbows just as fast as they could. They raided the Defense Department maintenance and repair budget to bring the bacon home to their districts, and it cost the lives of American service men and women.

We sent the National Guard to Iraq with re-manufactured Viet Nam-era rifles. Here in Alameda they had drives to gather toothbrushes, toothpaste, tea and lemonade for the troops. We went people off to war without the stuff a reasonable parent includes in their childrens' kit for summer camp.

Body armour? Who needs it? Manufacture Hummers without sufficient protection? Why not?

It's a disgrace, and if there is one thing we can learn on the 10th Anniversary of 9/11 it is there are jerks out there ready to make a buck from the blood of heroes.

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Flavor Fav?

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i remember hearing that was played at a soldier's funeral (died in iraq). still can't hear it without tearing up.

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i don't think so.

really. no snark.

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i don't know about 9/11 winner or loser, but i'm pretty sure i'm an american't.

(with apologies to robert rodriguez).

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same here...I'm turning off everything electronic that weekend.

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Operators are standing by

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I'm not sure who's a winner, but according to Dick Cheney's autobiography, pretty much everyone else in the Bush administration was a loser.

Which might be the one single accurate fact in the book.

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9/11 Winners: Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Halliburton, KBR, Blackwater

9/11 Losers: Everyone else in the world

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Union firefighters, no less! Anyone notice firefighters only work when there's a fire? Otherwise it's all card games, brownie eating and playing with Dalmatians. And we're paying for that! Ya gonna do something about that Repubicans?

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But Dubya kept us safe. Well, except for that one day when more Americans died from terrorism than under any other President in history.

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