(golf clap)

It could be that you end up in the database of nonlisted Americans.

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«La cité, c'est moi.»

Ouais, ça marche.

Oh wait, no it doesn't, wrong French absolutist.

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Hey! <i>I play violent videogames!</i> Where's MY CIA observer?

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And now that you've imagined THAT, imagine that you're a marketing guy whose company could really use a lot of sifted data, cheap and in a hurry. Gosh, what group desperate for campaign donations could give you that?

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It's the list of all lists that are not in the list of all lists.

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I dunno. At this point I am almost offended that I <em>haven't</em> been profiled.

It's like they are saying that I cannot possibly be dangerous.

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“A mosque is different than a church or a temple,” said a former senior NYPD official involved in the effort. “It plays a bigger role in society and its day-to-day activities. They pray five times a day. They’re there all the time.

This person has not spent much time in the rural South.

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"Bloomberg 2016!" said no one.

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Shypixel: Mostly harmless.

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It must be accurate, because George Bush Kept Us Safe (TM).

He was also the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful President.

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"Better" is a change.

That's what I scream in my head every time that dumb Subaru ad comes on the radio, anyway.

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Because he said so, and shut up that's why.

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Well, you know who's behind the counter.

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Talk about burying the lede... "my own army, which is the 7th largest army in the world"

There would, of course, be something fundamentally offensive about going Godwin on a prominent Jew, but dammit if Bloomie doesn't bring on the urge sometimes.

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After you've given us some theoretical level of confidence that you shouldn't be on the list, which we are not currently willing to divulge, most likely because we've never thought about what it would take.

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<a href="http:\/\/www.goodreads.com\/quotes\/94621-a-government-afraid-of-its-citizens-is-a-democracy-citizens" target="_blank">Thomas Jefferson</a> would agree.

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