Sad, but necessary. Good on the Dems for sucking it up.

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Your prayers were (mostly) answered.

I think it would have been cool if 10 Dems had voted for it. Then it would have failed solely because of Republican defectors.

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So will Pence.However, while we need just a simple majority in the House, we need at least 2/3rds agreement in the Senate to complete the impeachment process. If we can manage that, they will both be impeached.Then the Democratic Speaker of the House will be president. Which isn't exactly an election do-over, but is still the closest thing the Constitution allows for in a situation like Trump.

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So, who would that be? President Pelosi?

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It would be whoever the majority in the house elects as their speaker.

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It is quite easy: GOP wants to kill DACA and CHIP.

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Polite Golf Clap?Porn Star Black Clap?GOP Congress one-hand fap?

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Only the best boogers! https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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If that happens, his "superior genes" will lead to a an epic ascending aortic vote https://uploads.disquscdn.c... aneurysm, hopefully captured on TV for posterity.

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But, sir, think of the ratings! https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Poor janitors at the Hate Radio Stations across "Murika if that happens https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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