Free Willy!

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At a certain age you do begin to wonder who'll remember you when you're gone, and for what they'll remember you for.<br /><br /><br />If somebody can find something beneficial about video games, there may be hope for the species yet. Sort of like the argument that porn-watching reduces sex crime.

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When you ram the wafer down your throat it becomes Jesus' body. No death cult here folks.

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My Latin IV class (in a public HS) was bigger than that. It was a challenge to fit all six of us into the janitor's closet (true!) that was our classroom.

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Fear the Reaper, and beware of Captain Trips!

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The commercials! I get a chubby just watching them. Those women <i>are</i> Viagra.

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Spanish is a frightening new language to some Americans.

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I hate hate hate that the teachers are named while the parents remain anonymous. Name everyone or no one.

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Perhaps your friend used a bizarre new language.

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History shows again and again how nature points up the folly of men

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Remember, friends: Veterans have their own day in November. Memorial Day is about the ones who <i>didn't</i> make it back. Think of them when you can.

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The only cure is more cowbell.

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That's the idea. Now that guy is alive for a bit.<br /><br />War is hell. Regrettably, it's also the main human activity, historically speaking.

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Damn! Somebody guessed my real name!

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You should never ditch your legacy apps.

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I don't really want to stop the show...

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