If watching your 401(k) melt into bits of string and space trash has only whetted your appetite for MORE risk, we would like to introduce you to CrazyBlindDate.com. This online sensation differs from other dating websites in that it essentially matches you based upon availability -- rather than "49,000 proven measures of compatibility" or whatever they're all claiming these days.
Aren't All Blind Dates Kind of Crazy?
Aren't All Blind Dates Kind of Crazy?
Aren't All Blind Dates Kind of Crazy?
If watching your 401(k) melt into bits of string and space trash has only whetted your appetite for MORE risk, we would like to introduce you to CrazyBlindDate.com. This online sensation differs from other dating websites in that it essentially matches you based upon availability -- rather than "49,000 proven measures of compatibility" or whatever they're all claiming these days.