Happy Weekend!
Your beautiful gift this weekend is a Mormon film strip (seriously, there are so many — I have some on VHS) about a fella whose track coach comes and tries to get him to drink wine in the middle of the night.
And that’s it. That’s the issue. Drinking is bad and nothing beyond that. Otherwise it is definitely normal for your track coach to come into your room in the middle of the night to ask you to drink some wine.
Of course, the good Mormon guy refuses to drink! But in the morning, everyone is hungover and no one knows why! Thank goodness Mormon guy was so moral and can run the races for ALL OF THEM.
Or something like that.
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Talk amongst yourselves!
Open Thread Chat Caturday! Jan. 27. A couple of my cool kitties from the past. On the left is Marshmallow and on the right is Munchkin. Caturday is for ALL types of pets, don't feel like dogs are not welcome, because they very much are! Please add all the pet pics!
Thank you to those that have offered words of encouragement and support to me last night and today. It means the world.
Anyway, my mourning music has finished playing. Time to make the most of the day.