I think Evangelicals-- the ones we see-- are obscene on these subjects. It was an Evangelical politician who made a hilarious joke about he and his friends getting with the 'animals on the farm' in their youth, likewise the joke about just 'putting an aspirin between her knees!' and how 'if only! THEY'D had the right to get into girls' locker rooms when they were in high school-- not to mention all the smarmy talk among the Duggars about the girls' bodies. Why are they like this? No privacy in that world? How about shielding your children from your own sex lives and then, how about the same for the rest of us?

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I am going to need a new phone. Wearing out my screen just scrolling

These comments read like a Bible and just as long.

Think I am going to start an add on for home security cameras called, you guessed it Covenant Eye. Just connect it to Siri for maximum coverage.

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The Catholic Church has also always taught that masturbation is a mortal sin that will send you to Hell if you do not repent of it. Many catholic saints and visionaries received messages telling them that the majority of people who end up in Hell do so because of sexual sins. So masturbation is not "natural". It goes agaisnt natural moral law.

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The Catholic Church has also always taught that masturbation is a mortal sin that will send you to Hell if you do not repent of it. Many catholic saints and visionaries received messages telling them that the majority of people who end up in Hell do so because of sexual sins. So masturbation is not "natural". It goes agaisnt natural moral law.

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When I was a teenager, I did not need porn to jerk off; in fact, it was not available in the 1960s. Just thinking about some girl in class was all it took.

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It's super easy to get around Covenant Eyes. It's called a burner phone. Easy peasy to buy at Walmart, CVS, Walgreens and down their way at the local Winn-Dixie. All cash and all access. As anonymous as it gets too.

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Mmmmmhn, now this could be a useful app for someone with subs....

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"boobyknocker weener program" We laughed.

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There is no shame, there is no guilt.. this is the law, do what thou wilt.

(Note: this does NOT mean 'do whatever the fudge you feel like' - but I'll save discussions of Thelemic philosophy for another day).

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Is it any wonder conservative men are so insecure about sexual freedom? If you really do somehow deny yourself any masturbatory arts, can you imagine how little stimulation it would take to climax? I’m amazed any conservative men can even conceive with their wives. The incidence of premature ejaculation must be staggering. That probably means foreplay is also forbidden, as it is for mostly pleasure and not strictly necessary for to make the babbees. Those poor conservative wives. They must have secret support groups to help each other cope.

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Worried about your weener? Is your weener talking to you, tempting you, imploring you to…touch me??? Please meet…The Peener Police! Sign up now and you will get 24 hour personal protection for, and from, your body! Protection from unholy, unsavory physical contact that could result in: pleasure (resulting in addiction); orgasm and ejaculation without female receiver (ie, abortion); and blindness.

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Ta, Evan. These people need therapy, and not for liking porn.

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Yeah, so, having once been a teenage male, pre-internet, I can attest that masturbation can be fueled by nothing more than imagination. Hell, even in the internet age, imagination can be more arousing that the crap pron online. I have it on good authority that the wiminz, also too, can masturbate with their eyes closed.

So maybe monitoring online activity (creepy as it is) can reduce porn consumption, but if they think that by itself is going to stop masturbation they're really working hard to delude themselves.

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It truly ASTOUNDS ME how overinflated these people think their numbers are to appoint a dipshit like this guy going into an election cycle.

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I like how Mike Johnson and his son act like they can’t create dummy email accounts or buy burner phones or use other devices. And I, Drake Donovan- uh- I mean- Buz! can attest to. Mike Johnson’s sex scandal is gonna be epic!

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Since he’s 18, the son is probably (hopefully?) making it

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