Funny, the mantra of the right used to be, "If it doesn't work perfectly, we shouldn't do it."

Oh wait. We're talking about guns here, aren't we?

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Maybe if they included some graphic media about what happens when people get shot, even accidentally. But no doubt that would be too "frightening". Tend to suggest that "people who have guns are scary." Or even "all guns are bad." No Critical Gun Theory!

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Eddie Eagle has moved on, people - he now has a featured role in PEACEMAKER

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Win are you going to stop with the puns?

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We moved away from Arizona to raise our kids in a sane state but Wisconsin went full-on batshit in 2010 and there's apparently no turning back. Moving doesn't really help unless maybe to a state called "New Zealand." Speaking of which, NZ Pm Ardern is doing the graduation speech at Harvard this spring. Maybe her topic will be something like, "Don't be an asshole like so many other Harvard graduates." Maybe she'll lead them in a Haka to promote peace and to honor the one million Americans dead of COVID. Whatever she does, it'll be better than Mark Zuckerberg in 2017.https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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So I can't use a gun safe because I need to be able to instantly pull out my deer rifle when suddenly the entire country is invaded by a million or so black helicopters. That's why we have guns, right? Seconds count!

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In fact, it is free. They know their reward comes later in increased sales.

ETA Link, but please don't click it and give them the satisfaction....


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In first grade I had to listen to a weekly news broadcast sponsored by Chevron. I'm sure that's why I drive a Hummer.

[narrator: doesn't drive a Hummer.]

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Glad you were able to resist corporate indoctrination. Not sure that makes my objections to corporate sponsored indoctrination programs moot.

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Never fails to amaze me how some of the folks who scream about the dangers of communism have no issues with the government going after people they don't like.

Zionists don't seem to have much of an issue with concentration camps - just who's in the concentration camps.

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If this thing does get signed by Duncey, lawsuits will fly immediately. The state doesn't really have the right to force children to take firearms training. If they made it an opt in program it probably would fly. They denied an amendment to make it opt in, Nguyen wants it forced on the students, making the parents opt out. Prescott is where Gosar and Fann came from. It's a lunatic-R stronghold.

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And, perhaps, performed. The cast is brilliant. Terry Southern, by the way, was given the script for Candy and told the author "You'll never sell it. But put my name on it and they'll buy it." He did, and they did.

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Maybe we can provide sex education at the same time, saving enough fetuses by preventing unwanted pregnancies and subsequent abortions to make up for post-birth embryos lost to violence :(

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He’s my favorite character! Just kidding, that’s actually Vigilante😁

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