But they're likely to arrive at the right squirmish.

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That is the finest first sentence in the herstory of our Editrix.

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So maybe women get cranky and -- dare I say it? -- a little irrational a few days each month. What's Rand Paul's excuse? Michele Bachmann* also too. _________________________ * woulda gone with Ann Coulter, except Editrix was very clear about that particular boundary.

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this happens every show I do. I'm in one right now and first month of rehearsal - regular as clockwork - all three of us synchs up. It's weird and kinda cool too.

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To be fair, it's either 'abortion, the movie' or 'Rosemary's baby' at the abortionplex.

Not enough choice.

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My batshit crazy wingtard sister in law has those same eyes.

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So then I take it that you have yet to earn your Red Wings.

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Aunt Flo will stop dropping by after a few years if she keeps this up...

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