Ta, Liz. Let’s all 🎶 sing: Take the key and lock her up…my fair lady.

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Some of us, yes, unfortunately. Xanax helps.

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They're now claiming a rogue employee with access to their Twitter account and back end. He's been terminated.

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You can't fool me. That's Lou Ferrigno.

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the harm comes from the fear that your views will be exposedIf that is a harm, maybe you should rethink your political stance and how it aligns with the country you purport to love and want to help grow and develop - just saying

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Well, save that petition, Dems, and recycle it when the House Republicans decide to hunt down Hunter Biden and anybody he ever knew.

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Unlike Thomas, Kagan probably cares about the reputation of the court and wants to spread the love.

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People forget how crazy Goldwater was.

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I though they put fences on the Golden Gate. Now people have to jump off the Vay Bridge, but nobody wants to do that. So declasse.

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Credit to Bette Davis when she learned Joan Crawford was dead.

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We don't have to prove our innocence.

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A rare moment of insight from the pre-destruction Graham.

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"Why, don't mind if I DO rock my entire considerable self onto the back legs. If I fall, I fall." -- Bear

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All empty holes where MAGAt brains once were.

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Why not both

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Wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross, indeed.

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