This is the thanks Nobama gets for saving the American auto industry. Typical.

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Tried? Succinct, but obviously inadequate. That guy has more persuasive bumper stickers than your proposal.

Howzabout, <i>"Fare, whatever differences we may have in the real world, here on wonkette we are kindred spirits. And, when you think about it, isn't what someone's like on a blog more important than who they truly are on the inside? So will you make me the happiest avatar in wonkette's world of depraved cynics and be my wife/husband (depending on our actual genders and what state we live in)?"</i>

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"My Grandmother Shot My Dingus" ?

Maybe he picked that sticker up in Texas

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That's a ripoff from when Ronald Reagan became President and the hostages were still behind held in Tehran - the much better "Let's play Cowboys and Iranians."

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I do love the way the intarweb is kind of like a zoo, keeping the dangerous wingnut behind a thick safe pane of my monitor's glass so it cannot harm or bite me, but I can peer at its most strange and baffling behaviors... like the way it ingests feces, and then regurtitates it upon its property, probably as a mating call to other wingnuts. Most curious!

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I’ll assume this guy’s name is Bob.

Bob’s next door neighbor: “How’s it going Bob?” Bob: “NOBAMA!” Neighbor: “That’s nice, wife and kids?” Bob: “KEEP YOUR TAXES OFF MY TRUCK!” Neighbor:” Mmhmm OK, looks like you finally got your crabgrass under control.” Bob: “PELOSI, REID NOOOOOOOBAMAR!” Neighbor: “How long has that vein in your neck been like that? You should get that looked at.” Bob: “MUSLINS ARE IN MY TEEVEE!! SO I SHOT IT!” Neighbor: “So that’s what that noise was last night.”

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Dude wants to play with your butt, is the takeaway from several of those bumper stickers, if you take them literally. He's like some sort of fetishist.

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What DOES it say under "Bend over this is gonna hurt"? I assume it has something to do w/ his bloated prostate, but I can't expand the image enough to read it.

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No Truk Nutz? Why does he hate America?

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Looks like one back on the window that says "Not My President". Bush was a disaster, but I never crossed the insurrectionist line that he wasn't the lawful President. (despite Bush v Gore).

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Hey, there's at least one nut in that truck. So there's that.

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That's too accurate to be funny. But you knew that.

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That was brilliant.

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My office is right next to an adult book store and I once saw a similarly festooned Buick Century in the parking lot. I wish now I had taken a picture. I won't make that mistake again.

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I bet he's fun at parties.

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